We headed off to the International Motor Show in the Kings Hall, Belfast. Just in the door we were greeted by a beautiful Focus WRC and a muscularly engined Alfa Romeo GTV. Other attractions included a Metro 6r4, the new MG ZR range and the VX220.

The vauxhall stand was very impressive, with <a href=”//” target=”_blank”>Russ Swift</a> showing his latest autotesting and precision driving skills with the VX220, corsa and astra. He took a few spectators out in the car with him during a series of handbrake turns in his unique "parallel parking" style, and I tried like hell to be picked – but to no avail!

We met up with our friend, Paul Houston, at his Sound in Motion stand – where we spieled at length about all things car audio. Also along the top level section was the PSNI stand, with its scary marked Mitsibushi Evo 6. You won’t be outrunning <i>that</i>!


Andy is the founding member of RMS, and when he's not following motoring events around the UK and Ireland he can be found on the track (sideways, having competed in top level drifting for a decade), or of course he'll be on the forum.