Classic insurance - Any Experiences and Questions...........

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New Member
No point if your under your Mum/Da's Name selling the car and not Telling them, Cause you'll not be allowed to drive anything TP... But if you have your own policy it will work, A) If your with Quinn that allows you to drive other Vehicles Third Praty on a TPF&F Policy.. But Yeah you can sell the Car, Aslong as the person you sell it to doesnt try and get it insured with Quinn while you have it insured... Cause then they catch on and phone you up and ask you if you still have the Vehicle...
B) Another way of working it is a '92 clio,(Group 1 or 2 Insurance) About £150 to buy with a few months test... Buy it and leave it lying at the side of the house INSURED and go buy something decent to drive, And insure it under your Parents name for a few Hundred Quid...

Ohh and sorry to say it, But your Boyfriend hasnt done his homework when looking for insurance... a Few insurance companys will do it at 21, But Only Quinn will let Driver's at 17 do it... Thats what makes them so great :laughing:


New Member
ach well waht ive done is gone named driver and if i sell the car i wont tell the ins company coz it will be harder to sell in the winter.
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