<b></b>Yet again Santa Pod saw the RMS crew hit it hard with cosbine, jstuntman, designated driver, karlos, breeks, rms_clk, big rod and myself hitting it with a bang, especially with the sierrra cossie and impreza along with karls carlton GSi. Midnight on Wednesday saw us all on the boat and after about 30 minutes of sailing we where sitting with our pints and someone asked, who has tickets, at which point one mans faced turned blue and the jaw hit the deck, ah yes Jonny forgot them. so after a very long drive down to the raceway we rang the organisers and explained the situation and they agreed to run off a new set of tickets for us as we had come so far and there was no way to get the tickets to us in time. So with the tickets and ourselves at the place by 3pm on Thursday we just parked up in the field next to it where all the early birds go and by 2am the field was near full!

7am Friday morning the van and cars got ticking over for the long wait to get into the pod and we set up camp in nearly the same spot as last year which was great as everything is close and we are able to sit on the sofa and watch all that goes by but with 2 blow up shag able dolls and a blow up sheep i think everyone was looking at us (karl ya nutter) but all was good and the craic was mighty so the BBQ was lit which then was our camp fire by night. the weekend started off very blow and damp but it was soon to get warm and blowy which was nice and meant the lads could get in great track times with dave getting a 13.01 in the sierra, Jonny I think got a 13.2 in the scooby and karl was 15.7 or there about in the carlton which was very good indeed for all 3 men. The main attraction on track was the bond bug with a fireblade engine doing 11sec 1/4s along with other mad stuff including 2 11sec minis and a go kart with a turbo’d bike engine that couldn’t get grip! terry grant was there for one day and he managed to stuff the impreza into the wall of the drag strip giving a good bit of damage but as a true legend would do he just drove her on harder so fair play.

As per usual the wet T-shirt comp and miss USC 05 went down well as you can see from a few of the pictures and at the end of the weekend it was all over too quickly but it just meant a 2 hour drive the wrong way for karl to pick up a WR1 that he has for a couple of weeks as i had to drive the carlton home to it’s new owner in sunny NI so after 10 hours or so driving the carlton i have to say she is some bus and not a bit slow or shy of putting the tail out. So a great weekend was had by all and the craic was mighty good to meet a few people that haven’t been out in a while like barry, danni, and darragh and the gang that camped beside us. Also cheers to kieran for using my camera wisely for a while, you know what I mean mate.


Graham is a photojournalist and motoring writer with over 20 varied years of coverage from manufacturer press launches to international motorsport and motoring events throughout the world. Graham is a full member of the Guild of Motoring Writers and Ulster Motor Writers Association.