Apology To Audio Advice

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RMS Regular
Audi TT, A4
Not sure the best place for this but i thought id stick it here.

Called into Audio Advice today and was having a chat, with Philip was it?

I have said things in the passed about Audio Advice online, which has been taken the wrong way, which I wish to apologies for. Some of the work I explained about at shop why these things were said and was apologised for etc and if it was brought to his attention at the time he would have sorted it there and then and if there is still a problem to bring it to round to him. (y)

Some of the stuff I had said on the forums had come across a lot worse than originally intended, granted some of which probably shouldn’t have been said but as you rightly said yourself everyone’s an a**hole online. Stuff that was said was blown out of proportion it seems and if i thought yous were that bad would i have been there today?, hearing it back from your self ill admit it did sound very bad.

I apologies for everything that was said, and taken the wrong way and hope we can wipe the slate clean, and start fresh. I know yous do great work and wouldn’t be were yous are now if yous did bad work, like the workshop was bunged today, with some very nice cars that has to be proof in its self yous do a good job! Im glad we had the opportunity to chat about this and were able to talk it threw and sort it out. Hopefully I can get over next week and price up a few more bits im looking :grinning:


RMS Regular
rsvr cupra r 225
takes a wee man to start a thread slabbering or slagging off on a forum imo but takes a decent person to own up when wrong and appologise ! i have missed the origional thread but feel your doing the right thing ...

ferrett likes this (y)


RMS Regular
Takes a bigger man to apologise. Known Philip from years back when I used to do the iasca sound offs.


RMS Regular
Civic 1.8 VTi (m
Fair play lad takes a real man to admit when hes wrong!!! Mucho respecto


RMS Regular
Audi TT, A4
When i seen the replies i thought i was going to be in for a grilling here. Dont think there was any comments posted here might have been the odd one but i think the jist of it was else were. I thought a copy of the apology should be posted here too as its a big forum no point doing it were not alot of people will see it

I had always been a fan of Audio Advices work always remember the day they took me out the back in the old shop and i had a seat in the 19, Awesome is not a good enough word to describe it lol. I had always looked up to them and what i wanted my business to be ran and successful like.

I had heard a few problems about them from guys that had been working with/for me saying about particular cars they had worked on and fix problems that audio advice had broke, to which i didnt believe at first. Until seeing my mates car first had picking it up from them, I soon jumped on the band wagon and everything that had been said i took on and believed, which shouldnt have been. Conclusion was made as to why this problem may have arose and that if he knew about it at the time he would have sorted it replacement parts ordered etc. and offered to have a look at it now if there was still a problem.

Im am sure everyone knows once you get something into your head and you jump on that high horse its hard to come down. My Original feelings about Audio Advice have been restored in how good they are at there work. I hope Phil and the guys can forgive me and start a clean slate, we are human after all :grinning:

Nicky Glanza

RMS Regular
same as anywere chinese wispers. same as the local tuning companies in lisburn. know both of them very well and you always hear the odd story a car blew up or made a hash etc etc were as personally you never actually meet the person that has had the "first hand experience" its all bull. if you do a crap job you fix it and no more said.

as for the apology fairplay as i know i wouldnt lol my dad always said men dont apologise its a sign of weakness :p


RMS Regular
rsvr cupra r 225
same as anywere chinese wispers. same as the local tuning companies in lisburn. know both of them very well and you always hear the odd story a car blew up or made a hash etc etc were as personally you never actually meet the person that has had the "first hand experience" its all bull. if you do a crap job you fix it and no more said.

as for the apology fairplay as i know i wouldnt lol my dad always said men dont apologise its a sign of weakness :p

great moral support there nicky ^o):grinning:


RMS Regular
Youre a decent chap to publicly apologise as you just have on a forum (y) As said it takes guts + its very uncommon for a man to admit hes in the wrong at the best of times :p
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