Bangor Car Park Meeting

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RMS Regular
Pure Soul
Kindly supplied by Geoff. Apologies for the long post.

As most of the population of the cruise scene in N.I. know Bangor’s premier cruise spot has been closed on a Sunday night by the landowners who are Translink. Obviously this being the “Top Carpark”. For weeks now a four-man team representing both and all the other cruisers natiowide have been in discussions with the Community Police Team in Bangor PSNI station. The Sergeant we spoke to could not have done more to accommodate us and we owe it to Bangor PSNI, as they set the whole evening up. As introductions where made it soon became apparent that we had achieved the attendance of all the top guys from: Bangor PSNI, Bangor Council, which represented all aspects of those areas affected by cruisers, and most important Translink who own the top carpark.
The meeting kicked of at 7.30pm and we went straight into the discussion of “Why was the top car park closed?” but as I asked this the Translink representative stopped me in my tracks and pointed out that at this early stage he was going to take some convincing to re-open the carpark so what I had to say would need to be of great relevance. I must admit it was the first hurdle we came up against and it knocked me for six so early on but we where determined so here’s the summary of the open forum.

Bangor is primarily a “sea-side” town, which relies on the influx of people to support, it’s local businesses such as B&B’s. These B&B’s are located all over the town and are fed up with the general nuisance noise and behaviour associated with “boy-racer” style actions mainly in the lower carpark. To combat this entering, exiting and whilst in the bottom carpark such factors as wheel-spinning, hitting the limiter, pulling handbrake turns and demos of big ICE systems are massive “no no’s”.
We where reminded that under the traffic law when that carpark is open it is a public road and the same law applies to it as on the highway so the traffic branch can enforce the law even in there so really think twice because the police are practicing zero tolerence. Lose the bad behaviour not your books.
One scary fact is that we really only have two carparks left, the lower top and the middle one. We where told that the authorities to be can close these also and where would we be then, so it’s food for thought as well.

As for the issue of oil, all that can be said on this matter is it can’t happen again, it’s an environmental issue and there are teams of consultants paid to take action against people who see fit to pollute the ground through getting guys to wheelspin which admittedly is fun to watch but there is a time and a place. Think about it.

Litter, this is such a simple thing we are all guilty for so, take it home or put it in the bin liners now provided by On this Monday morning if one solitary sweet wrapper blows across that carpark when Translink inspect it they’ll pull the plug straight away.

This is the tip of the iceberg folks, there’s more to come.


RMS Regular
Joined: Jul 2003
Joined: Jul 2003
RaDiUs said:
yea for 1 night to see how things go

every1 should stresssss the rules/terms to ensure the carpark stays open

if the first night isnt a total improvement , i dont even think they will meet next time


RMS Regular
VRS, Clio 182
Might head up, a massive crowd of respectable :?: cruisers from all over NI "behaving themselves" should hopefully bring good publicity and might get the top car park reopened permentally.

Although if it goes wrong, cruising in NI is gonna get a big bad blow from the press.... :evil:


RMS Photographer
By the sea
Press Cars
and the more decent ppl from here that go then the less hallions will be able to get into the car park and ruin it !


RMS Regular
RaDiUs said:
yea for 1 night to see how things go

Soz ppl i dont post much on here but some of the BC members will know me. I was 1 of the members at the meeting the other night, either cp is not planned to be opened just yet, they wana have a bit of a trial in the wee cp beside the cop shop to see about the litter etc, both police and translink. From wat they said the cp still wont be opened for a few weeks.


RMS Regular
Someone needs to stand at the entrance and tell everyone coming into the car park basically that if they f*** about then they can f*** off cos they will ruin it all for everyone.


RMS Regular
County Armagh
Vtec....errr yo!
Fair play to the BC boys for having a go at delegating.Ill be up at Bangor on sunday night to see how things change.
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