East Coast Cruise ROAD TRIP

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New Member

U guys heard about the East Coast Extreme show running at the end of July?

Anyway, there's a crowd of Ultamotiv guys going to the show and afterwards for a few days arseing around in South England prob camping... a bit of a road trip...

The plan is to go to the weekend @ East Coast Extreme, then on sunday head off for a few days camping... if u dont fancy the camping there will also be a convoy heading to the show...

This is just like a 'trial run' for possibly something more exotic lol in the future (sounds a bit sh1te? I reckon this could be good craic!)

details on the following link... you may need to register to ultamotiv's new forum...

If you are interested email me at tylor@ultamotiv.com

<http://www.getfreeforum.com/forums/index.php?mforum=m4dtf=134 <http://www.getfreeforum.com/forums/index.php?mforum=m4dtf&showtopic=134> >
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