P&S Beadmaker

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RMS Regular
Audi Q7
Has anyone used P&S Beadmaker? Have watched a few YouTube videos on it and it gets fantastic reviews and one of the more professional detailers remarked that it was "a game changer" and another that "it has the slickest feel he has ever felt".


RMS Regular
Soulless pos
I tested it a while ago.

Anything with a heavy Si02 is going to produce those results. Alot of people equate beading to protection but in essence it isn't.

Tried it on bare paint, over a waxed finish and over a coated finish.

You have to use very different application techniques depending on the surface you are putting it into and you have to properly saturate the panel and spritz the cloth too so you use alot of product! It can also be quite smeary so you have to really work it.

It did add depth though on everything I tried it over and the beading was absolutely superb.

The interesting thing about this is how it reacts with ceramic coatings. Usually using a product with any silicone or wax base it it will actually clog the pores of the coating and reduce beading or stop it altogether once the product you have applied over the top dies out.

This means you have to declog the coating with Citrus to reset it essentially so it becomes counter productive.

P&S didn't do that at all, it just kept a behaviour consistent with the coating itself, didn't full down etc the way a coating can if it's clogged.

It's also dirt cheap but with the amount you use it would need to be.

They recommend 2 microfibres for completing a car but I found around 6 to be more realistic to keep smearing down but the clothes dry out with no negative impact after use.

Definitely a decent product but I can see people not using it correctly and then thinking it doesn't work or isn't as good as it's claims. Using correctly it's great


RMS Regular
Audi Q7
Thank you very much for the comprehensive reply.
Its good to hear the comment with regards to ceramic as I am just awaiting delivery today of Gtechniq C2v3 to maintain the Ultra and Exo you applied for me on the Audi Q7. I was considering the P&S Beadmaker to put on top of the C2 but as you say some of the videos I watched showed them having to work at it.
My other thought was being that as I am dead lazy I might just use either Autoglym Polar Seal or Anachem Ultra Gloss but having read the remark regarding clogging of the ceramic coat I just may have to actually do some work for a change :joy:


RMS Regular
Soulless pos
C2 will be all you need to use every 12 washes or so. Just do the decon we talked about first then apply the c2. Even after the citrus and fallout you will see the effect immediately :grinning:
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