First time clayed

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RMS Regular

The resultant aftermath of using the Bilt Hamber Auto Clay. It's the only (or one of only a very few) clay bar that doesn't require a "special" lube product, but instead uses plain old ordinary H₂O.
Worked a charm as you can see, and no, I didn't seal or wax the car - just dried it with a microfibre towel and started shooting pictures of the reflection.
I should point out though, the car was washed twice - before and after claying, with a Gilmour Foamaster and 4 different shampoos!
I was testing them to see how they faired used via the Gilmore - 4 Star, Zymol (the Halford's version), P21S, and Autobrite's Snow Foam.
Still Einzett and DP Extreme to check out - another thread later when those results are collated.

Sadly, in my over-enthusiastic state, the camera had been on manual focus, incandescent light for white level, and the wrong mode setting for the shots of the clay bar.
I'll retake them again and pop them up so you can see the before and after state - it is frightening when you see the as new half beside the just used half.


RMS Regular
Old thread revived for some reason or other......

Here's a pic or two of what can be on your paint.
The first is one from the rear 3/4's and back, the second is the front wings and bumper/bonnet - shows the difference, and it'd been done previously about 5-6 weeks ago (with Ryan's help), with the clay looking a bit like the second image.
First one has more tar on it, but even so, there's still a fair bit of contamination in there too.



RMS Regular
little blue mazd
the caly seems to pick up alot of stuf that other cleaning products wont. tryed it on the 306 made a brilliant job


RMS Regular
Some people say that there is no point in claying a car before you buff it. However i tried both methods on the same car once, and the better finish was achieved on the clayed part of the car. The clay will leave a clean surface which is a better base for buffing imo - however they are 2 different things and can't really be compared
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