Motorway Speed Limit

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big cyril

RMS Regular
big cyril
Interesting points - Cess do you have a link for that as it backs up what I have been ranting about all along - speed is only one of a lot of causes of accidents and the current policing of the roads looks at speed so much that the other causes are not being picked up because officers are mostly doing speed traps. (Which conveniently also raise revenue).

This proposal is not just a pipe dream - if the Assembly gets up and running again (and it is looking more likely) local politicians will be responsible for roads as well as everything else and if there is a big enough lobby backed up by reasonable evidence then who knows?
It would indeed be nice to see a derestricted (totally) sign on the motorways as on the autobahn especially if it could reduce accident figures.

@pacology - gantries would dictate the speed limit according to the conditions.


RMS Regular
The statistics say excessive speed in relation to the conditions is the problem, NOT speeding. 80 on a motorway when its empty is criminal, 40 on a country road, in the rain, at night approaching a hairpin is perfectly OK.

Which is more dangerous? Which is illegal?

@tim - You know that it used to be if an American soldier flew over N.Ireland they would get a medal, even if they couldnt see it through cloud or whatever...


RMS Regular
1 In attention or attention diverted


2 Excessive speed having regard to conditions


3 Emerging from minor road without care


Excessive speed with no regard to conditions? This doesnt really include doing 100 on an empty, dry motorway, does it not mean doing 50 in a 30 in the wet?
So raise the limit on the motorway!!!

big cyril

RMS Regular
big cyril
eamon343 said:
Excessive speed with no regard to conditions? This doesnt really include doing 100 on an empty, dry motorway, does it not mean doing 50 in a 30 in the wet?
So raise the limit on the motorway!!!

Yup , or even have it derestricted altogether when conditions permit.


RMS Regular
Amarok V6
That 5 lane section of the M2 is great, was once behind a certain red Coupe in convoy to Bishopscourt at silly speeds ;)

Can't see them raising motorway speed limits in NI when we hardly have any motorways, lol.


RMS Regular
S3 Revo
Graphic_chick said:
I critise R plates too, i think it makes the whole thing worse, when young drivers get off R plates think there the dogs balls and crash into a tree. I was just making the point that NI is the only place that enforces R plates.

I'd find that young R drivers that think they are the dogs balls would crash into a tree in a matter of weeks after passing their tests


RMS Regular
Leon FR
Whenever you bring in "when conditions permit" it raises more problems than solutions - your interpretation of good conditions could greatly differ from say the traffic branch and it is them who ultimately have the final say. The limits have to be set across the board so that it is either within or over the limits and people have no excuse for a differing discretion. I can see the advantages of having no limit at night or in quiet periods but as with everything, people will just abuse it.


RMS Regular
Celica GT
We dont need speed limits, we need more discilpline from everyone on the roads, some people have this I dont give a flyin **** about anyone attitude . Just look at the autobahns in germany they can do whatever speeds they like on most of them if not all. If someone comes flyin up behind one of them they pull over let them past and pull out again, bit of that over here wouldnt go a miss.

big cyril

RMS Regular
big cyril
scrob said:
That 5 lane section of the M2 is great, was once behind a certain red Coupe in convoy to Bishopscourt at silly speeds ;)

Can't see them raising motorway speed limits in NI when we hardly have any motorways, lol.

No , its not , I saw the worst thing I have ever seen in accident on that road and I never want to see anything like it again.

I still get the shivers when I drive up that way.

big cyril

RMS Regular
big cyril
kerzo said:
Whenever you bring in "when conditions permit" it raises more problems than solutions - your interpretation of good conditions could greatly differ from say the traffic branch and it is them who ultimately have the final say. The limits have to be set across the board so that it is either within or over the limits and people have no excuse for a differing discretion. I can see the advantages of having no limit at night or in quiet periods but as with everything, people will just abuse it.

True but on the autobahn there are electronic signs on the gantries which tell you the speed limit so it's not up to the individual. If the sign is showing no limit then there's no limit (funny enough :p ).


RMS Regular
With no speed limits the police could focus their attention on stopping dangerous driving as opposed to just speeders. And contrary to popular opinion there is a difference. Perhaps they could even contribute to road safety.


New Member
S2 Coupe
I'm all for 70mph limits. Some of us here might think we are pilots and capable of sitting at 130 down the motorway, that's fair enough, but there's always gonna be someone who'll pull out in front of you at 60mph. Some people are dangerous enough at 70 as it is, then you get the other breed of muppets who think they're Nigel Mansell and capable of sustaining speeds of well over a ton, more worried about getting another 500rpm out of fourth gear than what's happening around them. I think drivers should use thier own descrection and maintain a speed appropriate to the situation, rather than what's put on a sign. No point sitting at 70 on an empty motorway at night, and it'd be absurd sitting at 70 on certain parts of the motorway in rush hour conditions.

Regarding higher insurance here, I always thought it was because in NI we are more likely to claim.

big cyril

RMS Regular
big cyril
wingnut said:
I'm all for 70mph limits........ No point sitting at 70 on an empty motorway at night

You contradict youself there, but I take your point that if there was no speed limit when conditions are good that people would have to be more careful about changing lane but then they are supposed to be careful already.


New Member
S2 Coupe
I contradicted myself in the sense that I'm all for the speed limits so that Joe Public isn't wiping people out as much, but not as in me sitting on an empty motorway.

My driving instructor was saying how he was in Germany on the Autobahn sitting about 80 and M3s were passing you at 140 etc, a bit of a frightening contrast. At least the system atm, no one will really go over 90 or the ton on the motorway unless there's nothing about.

big cyril

RMS Regular
big cyril
On the autobahn it is still illegal to pass cars at a huge speed difference and you can be nicked for this. eg when in Germany we sat at 120mph for a while but always slowed down to pass things in adjacent lanes if they were going much slower.

The point about the proposal is that you could do whatever speed you wanted legally when it is quiet, and tbh presently very little does much over the ton for any time as it will be lost license if caught even when there may be v little risk associated with that speed on a quiet motorway.


RMS Regular
wingnut said:
Some people are dangerous enough at 70 as it is, .......

this is the point of no speed limits. those who are dangerous at any speed will get stopped by mr plod, (doing 50 or 150). and those who have some judgement for the situation will be left alone.


RMS Regular
Well speed limits should be imposed and displayed on electronic signs in certain conditions and in rush hour traffic.

I was driving into manchester from leeds about a year ago, in rush hour and in heavy rain. You really have to slow down and have your wits about you.


RMS Regular
big cyril said:
On the autobahn it is still illegal to pass cars at a huge speed difference and you can be nicked for this. eg when in Germany we sat at 120mph for a while but always slowed down to pass things in adjacent lanes if they were going much slower.

The point about the proposal is that you could do whatever speed you wanted legally when it is quiet, and tbh presently very little does much over the ton for any time as it will be lost license if caught even when there may be v little risk associated with that speed on a quiet motorway.

Like I said when we discussed the destricted areas of the autobahn before, it works in Germany because people there generally know how to use a motorway and have good awareness in terms of lane changing, ie. not sitting in the outside lane and moving over safely and quickly to let faster vehicles through. I don't think that can work here currently because a lot of people really have no idea about lane usage on motorways.

big cyril

RMS Regular
big cyril
Millanio said:
Like I said when we discussed the destricted areas of the autobahn before, it works in Germany because people there generally know how to use a motorway and have good awareness in terms of lane changing, ie. not sitting in the outside lane and moving over safely and quickly to let faster vehicles through. I don't think that can work here currently because a lot of people really have no idea about lane usage on motorways.

That's true and I agree Germans generally are better at lane discipline than us, but the derestriction also reduced accident figures in USA and I doubt if the yanks are any better drivers than us?

The USA example is particularly interesting in that regard as there is no lane discipline on interstate highways eg can pass on either side.


New Member
S2 Coupe
Even the English are better at lane disicpline than us. Over here a lot of drivers seem to think "I'm doing 70, I don't need to let this boy past".

big cyril

RMS Regular
big cyril
wingnut said:
Even the English are better at lane disicpline than us. Over here a lot of drivers seem to think "I'm doing 70, I don't need to let this boy past".

So true, even when there's nothing at all in the left lane.


RMS Moderator
X5 / 435D
I joined the motorway late last night, some yards behind a car in front. As soon as he joined, the first thing he did was indicate and sit in the over taking lane at just shy of 70. Resulting in me having to undertake. Do some people just not think at all?

Chris Mac

RMS Regular
Location: Location
MK7.5 R
Lyons said:
I joined the motorway late last night, some yards behind a car in front. As soon as he joined, the first thing he did was indicate and sit in the over taking lane at just shy of 70. Resulting in me having to undertake. Do some people just not think at all?

surely 70 is the speed limit mr lyons??

Chris Mac

RMS Regular
Location: Location
MK7.5 R
another 3 months!! stopped doing 65 on a motorway th otherday, explained 2 the nice offer that 45 wasnt safe 2 be driving on a motorway, so he let me off!!
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