Chris Holden (aka the forum’s Carbon Ka) gives us his unique views on <em>Big Boys Toys</em> from manning his <a href=”//” target=”_blank”>GingaPaint</a> airbrushing stand over the weekend.

Ka klub and myself braved the conditions to attend the Big Boys Toys and Gadget show in the Kings Hall, myself still a little fuzzy from the birthday, and G, well he’s just G, he was born a little confused. I’d love to say that I was there out of general interest, but as usual, I was there selling myself (not like that) and my airbrush skills on the “Model Mania” standee… So in typical gingapaint fashion, I finished showpieces at 4am, and trundled into the show some 3 hours late, to the surprise of no-one. We quickly set up our selected goodies, and with nothing to do, went for a quick trundle around the show. Our attention was quickly drawn to the hot tubs in the centre of the hall, and more importantly the young bikini clad ladies climbing in…after I managed to stop Graham from jumping in after her (he swears she was drowning….) we wondered around to find the usual trade stands, one of which was showing a rather huge 21 inch rim…. Impressive, but I’d never get it on the ka.

Wondering on further, we came across a fine selection of motors at the bottom of the hall, including a trick looking Escort Cossie, which I’m reliably informed is a bit of a beastie… my attention was drawn to the carbon fibre splitter (predictably) which was a particularly tasty bit of kit.
Further onwards, we had a tidy Citroen Xsara WRC replica, and then the Performance Car Club guys, showing off a new toy, an absolutely stunning ZM coupe, and an awesome Lotus Carlton. At this time, we discovered the bar.

And dodgy Guinness.

Lots of little yellow pixies running about, trying to promote something or other, we didn’t pay much attention, and moved on. I was a bit hung over, and didn’t want to know. Further round the hall, there were more trade stands, mostly showing off Rage flip paint, and it’s equivalents.

The centre of the hall had the afore mentioned hot tubs, some trade stands, bloody big birds (not human females, actual flying creatures) although to be honest, I wouldn’t have classed these as either a big boys toy, or a gadget? This however was not the most random stand. For some reason, best known to themselves, we had what would be best described as a “santa’s grotto” (grotty might be closer?) at this point I wondered what the hell was wrong with the Guinness.

Anyway, with not too much more to see, we thought that we would make an exit, to be honest, the show was a little disappointing, and much too random. There were a few interesting stands, some awesome airbrushing (ahem) and a Santa’s grotto.
