Every year, Northampton is invaded by VWs, Audis and Seats from all over the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe for the pilgrimage that is Edition38. And this year was no different. Over 40 cars travelled over from the North and South of Ireland by various routes, all having the long and arduous drive through Wales or Scotland and on to Overstone Park.

But I’m sure everyone will agree that any travelling time was more than cancelled out by what is without a shadow of doubt the number one VAG show in the UK. Thousands of people combining with a love of all thing VAG to show their latest builds, chat through future modifications and get the chance to grille the people who stand out from the rest with their choice of mods. Without naming every car there, I think notable mention must go to the VW Brazilia, the overall car of the show, purely for its rarity and a certain Dutch Mk1 Golf, purely because it was flawless in every way.

But Edition38 is not only about the cars, it’s about the night time banter that comes later. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as much at Scully (forever telling Dee what was going to happen at his funeral), Hanz (for being a ballsy bugger) and Ryan (for drinking his own weight in champagne, and losing all dignity). Its great to sit round some tea lights (that’s right) and get chatting to the people you don’t see very often about future plans and have a few beers (a few Ryan!) and laugh the night away.

For anyone who hasn’t been to Edition 38 yet, and is still in two minds about going, I suggest you take a look through the pictures. If that isn’t enough to make up your mind, then perhaps Edition isn’t the place for you. For everyone else, we’ll be back next year, bigger and better! Who knows what I’ll be sticking to the Audi come 2010!
