117mph on motorway

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RMS Regular
Seat Leon Cupra
Id say it will be points and a massive fine tbh, was in court myself in december for speeding. It sure makes you think twice about speeding again, good luck mate.


RMS Regular
Volvo / SV650s
be very careful about your solicitor, they dont give a toss

im another one who learnt this the hard way

Definately get a good solicitor, and hammer it home to them that this is something u take really seriously! also... go with the solicitor to court on the day, dressed smart too, that way you can see / make sure he does the best he can, and also so the judge can see you made the effort to come too!

You really are best to plead guilty, say it was stupid, dont give excuses and accept the punishment.

Also if the court date isnt for a while... get some advanced driving lessons, and mention in court that you are taking advanced lessons to improve your driving. this helps as youve then already taken action to rectify your mistake.


RMS Regular
I heard a story about a fella that got caught at 105 on a carrigeway, got his mother to take the points for him and she only got 4pp and a couple of hundred quid fine. He was lucky enough, cause he was slowing down from 140 at the time.


RMS Regular
Old Ford
Sorry but I disagree 117 mph is a crime its over 1/2 the speed limit its like doing 50 in a 30 past a school.

Can you explain how ?

I'd like to think there arent any school children running about the motorway. If there are...then they need punished, not the motorist.

It may be a "crime".....but that word in itself, well, I'm unsure of what a crime is these days. And it seems so do many police forces.


RMS Regular
ST170/Passat TDI
I drove the whole way through Germany to Austria recently and i can say that there is only one reason why they are capable of safely using higher speeds over there..... They are properly trained to do it right from the very start of there driving career.
The standard of driving i thought was absolutly excellent, however the quality of the roads were good but not as magnificent as everyone told me they would be..

Good luck lad, we have all done it at some stage.


RMS Regular
Pure Soul
I was stopped doing 54mph in a 30 (idiot!) a load of years ago.

Copper said if I realised I was outside a school. I asked him if he realised it was 6pm.

Then he wished me happy birthday (for the day after) and gave me 3 points and £60 fine.

Scuba Steve

RMS Regular
Copper said if I realised I was outside a school. I asked him if he realised it was 6pm.

Epic! lol (y)

Made got caught doing 53 going into a 40 ( he was slowing down ).
Peeler said "you have a choice take the 3 points and £60 fine, or take it to court and i will make sure you will loose your liensce"

Pretty harsh tho!


New Member
S2 Coupe
I had a peeler say to me "I can let you off with a warning, I can give you three points, or I can take you to court". I sensibly asked for the warning.


RMS Regular
Erm... he was almost 50mph over the limit. It's still feckin dangerous, hardly comparable to undertaking.

All the best with it anyway lad... I would hate to be in the position you're in atm.

Erm...i still maintain that undertaking in a 30 zone is hugely dangerous and maybe more so than 117mph on an empty motorway, everyday i see people undertaking at 40/50mph+ in 30 zones, which really gets up my tits. What if the driver goes to move back into the left hand lane, hits the undertaking car and possibly also hits pedestrians at the same time?!? Now thats feckin dangerous.

Ben P

RMS Regular
BMW F33/A6C7
117 on a motorway Id have to argue is fine. (In the right situation of course, not at rush hour)

On an open motorway the temptation is just too much, and a quick opening of the throttle, car or bike just gets the better of me.

TBH Id say alot of people here, have been at some point well over the 70mph limit.

I know that personally I feel comfortable sitting at well over 100 for the majority of the motorway.

And as for a bike, it would take a few seconds to get from 70 to 150ish., same again to get back down to 70.


RMS Moderator
X5 / 435D
I dont know about this whole debate of no limits on the motorway.

Yes, there are many stretches of the M1 and M2 that at night a 70mph limit is just ridiculous, and i believe increasing it to 100 would be more than safe. However i think there are just too many factors that would make it impossible. For example at Lisburn or Sprucefield where there are always cars merging from the slip lanes, all it would take is for one of them to move over into the over taking lane into someones path. Even to make the increased limit just for the country section past lisburn or even Moira.

Then theres the issue of other road users. I would say im a pretty safe driver, but even though ive 9 years experience and my advanced test, nothing can prepare you for the unexpected actions of other motorists. Swerving, braking, blow-outs etc etc.

Finally, a mate of mine hit a badger on the M2 one night at 80mph and wrecked the front bumper. You just dont know whats going to be ahead on the road and i certainly wouldnt fancy colliding with anything bigger than a woodlice at 100mph.


RMS Regular
Personally i dont think the road surfaces are good enough to warrant any increase in speed limits, the new surface on the M2 south Hill section is like a roller coaster..


New Member
Here, unfortunately
Mondeo, i30, MF1
Personally i dont think the road surfaces are good enough to warrant any increase in speed limits, the new surface on the M2 south Hill section is like a roller coaster..

Aye, it's shocking. The 60's surface they dug up was better. At 69.95mph in the Vectra I was bouncing all over the show (especially that wrongly laid manhole just under the 2nd bridge going citybound on lane 3).

Though the patching they've done between Sandyknowes and Antrim is a good job - the sort of surface they should have put down on the hill section.


New Member
E46 M3
Didn't wanna start the whole "should we increase our speed limits debate". I agree about the 70mph limit on the motorway, I even think that during heavy traffic this too much, on the other hand 70mph is so slooow when driving on a 2/3 lane empty motorway on a good day with great visibility.

Agreed with avo5021 about the majority of the roads like this making it almost impossible to justify a "safe" speed limit increase.

Also the idea of an increased limit on certain sections of motorways would make policing the roads much more difficult and dangerous because certain drivers would fail to be educated about the new/current law as i've seen in other threads/forums.

Back on the topic of my speeding. Well, i openly broke the law, at the same time i feel like i never endangered any lives and don't feel like i should be banned, could live with a few points though.

Any of you other "criminals" know how long usually it takes a summons to come?


RMS Regular
Anything upto about 6 months... all depends on which process office and workload really...

Where was the offence committed..? pm me if you'd rather not air dirty washing etc etc


RMS Regular
Aye, it's shocking. The 60's surface they dug up was better. At 69.95mph in the Vectra I was bouncing all over the show (especially that wrongly laid manhole just under the 2nd bridge going citybound on lane 3).

Though the patching they've done between Sandyknowes and Antrim is a good job - the sort of surface they should have put down on the hill section.

The bumpiness is due to the fact they had to dig down as they couldnt raise the bridges any higher..

Its actually quite scary when you are "legitimately" hoofing on, you get thrown all over the hockey..


RMS Regular
Even the autobahn has speed limits around junctions.

Thats true, on approach to junctions and on approach to some bends etc etc..

They also have camera vans that sit in the central reservations, in the early 80's they (hand on heart) used to drape camoflage nets over the cars to blend in with the greenery..


RMS Regular
Old Ford
Ive driven down the M2 in my crappy van at 70, and it felt fine....maybe its your cars lol

Over here, there isnt really any need for speed limit increases. Its only a small country, and really doesnt take long to travel anywhere. Im not saying that going above 70 under the right circumstances is dangerous though. It isnt.

But on the mainland etc or perhaps down South where Motorway stretches are much longer. Than a higher limit would have merits.

Firstly, regardless, not everyone is going to sit at that speed anyway. And at busy times, it probably wouldnt be possible anyway.
Same way some dummies still sit in the middle lane causing chaos at 40mph at present. Dangerous driving perhaps ??? Would be nice to see a few bans handed out there.

At less busy times, then a speed limit increase for those making very long journeys could benefit them a bit.


RMS Regular
My house
It wouldnt work, sure half the people now dont even drive at the speed limit. just think if the limit was increased to 85/90 you would get the overtaking lane hoggers sitting it 70 you would be pulling your hair out!

Minimum speed limit FTW (y)
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