Alloy refurb? DO'S AND DONT'S?

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RMS Regular

as it says, going to attempt a refurb of a set of old alloys lying about

So far , i know i need wet and dry sandpaper and a wire brush

but after that im stuck, what else will i need?

Any particular kind of stuff etc?

fancy having a bash at it and see what it turns out like, i will get some pics up and let you see how i get on (Before and After)

thanks in advance


RMS Regular
Sunny Sydney, Australia
Holden Omega Ute
first do, do take it to someone who knows what they are doing, as making a balls up off it, will only end up costing you more money to get them done right

dont attempt it yourself if you have to ask a question like this!


RMS Regular
Agreeing with Bibby here..

You'll only make them worse if you dont already have experience with somethin like that..


RMS Regular
ok, how about even sanding them down and preparing them?

i just fancied having a bash, and learning !

If there prepared for someone, will it be cheaper? Does any one on here refurb them?


RMS Moderator
if they are an old set then have a blast.

wirebrush any crap off them, I usually douse with alloy cleaner first and give them a good wash. wire brush then sandpaper.

80grit on the rough rash bits, any rash might just be in the paint and not through to the metal. If the metal is damaged you have two choices. 1 sand away and get it looking alright ish, 2 fill with a little isopon.

then sand the whole wheel with 400grit. I usually dont bother with the inside of the wheel bar maybe an inch or so back just to get a bit of paint across.

once the wheels are sanded nice and smooth (but with a little roughness for the paint to adhere to) then make sure they are thouroughly dry! Very important. I use a heatgun to both blow the water out of any nooks and crannies and also to remove any moisture from the surface.

If removing tyres get it done at the start, if not then mask up the tyre. I usually wash with thinners first so the tape will actually stick to the tyre.

Remove any centre badges you dont want painted and mask over the tyre valve.

Now for painting. There are two methods I use depending on how much I want to spend and what colour I want the wheels. Having a heatgun at this point is invaluable.

Silver and cheap: Get 2 cans of autoglym silver wheel paint. Doesnt require primer or laquer and the stuff will pretty much stick to anything. Definately not as fussy as regular paint re reactions etc. Cost is about £10 for the whole job. Usual story, nice smooth coats, do any nooks and crannies first to avoid runs on the main bits. Take your time and go around the wheel giving the paint youve just applied time to dry a little. Use the heatgun to help the paint along after each coat.

Any other colour or better job: You will need 2 big cans of primer. The yellow filler primer isnt bad as it will leave a smoother finish. A nice light dusting of paint first helps avoid reactions, let this dry for 10 mins or give it a blast with a heatgun. The build up the layers. As before do the crannies first then do the main face last. Heatgun after every coat. Cost is a lot higher around £40-£50 for paint cans depending what kind of effect you go for.


Leave the primer to dry for a couple of hours, makes it a lot easier to sand it without clogging up the sandpaper. Once its dry then sand it with 400-800 grit paper. I use 400 which is maybe a little course but see how you go. I also dry sand as its a pain to dry the wheel every time when wet sanding.

Once the primer is complete give the wheel a wipe down with a cloth to remove any dust still lingering. Now its colour time. Estimate 2 halfords style cans for the 4 wheels.

If doing the wheel 2 colours, ie silver outer and black centre you need to figure out what way is best to mask it off. You apply the first colour then mask off the area you done first and apply the second colour.


If just doing the same colour its a lot easier. As with the primer start with a nice dusting first, give it time to dry then you can go at it properly. Again do the hard bits first. Once happy with the nooks and crannies then give a nice coat over the face of the wheel. The colour should end up looking nice and smooth and as its still wet should look like you want the wheel to end up looking like, nice and shiny and giving a nice reflection of lights. Heatgun again between coats.


Once happy then leave overnight to dry. Very important to reduce reactions in the basecoat and laquer. Usually use around 3 cans of laquer on the set of rims.

Laquer is where DIY refurbs fall down, its not as strong as proper 2pack laquer bodyshops use so you need to get plenty on. Unfortunately the more you put on the greater the chance of a run.

Again start of with a dusting. Let this dry for about an hour. When you come back do the same as before, hard bits first, nice easy coats a few mins apart. You dont want the laquer to dry too much between coats as each coat needs to gel together. Ideally you want a nice smooth reflective finish with the laquer then let it dry for a few days before putting them back on the car. Once touchdry sticking them out in the sun if its bright really helps them dry :grinning:



RMS Regular
GTi Polo
SQD will refurb them.

If they are old old rims and you just want to practice then go for it. Remember though, the key to a good finish is preparation. so be prepared to spend hours sanding back the wheels to bare metal, with various grades of wet and dry. If they are kerbed then you will also need to repair that.

Then.....its onto the primer, paint and laquer. between each coat you need to rub down the surface and ensure you have a smooth, even surface.


RMS Moderator
so be prepared to spend hours sanding back the wheels to bare metal, with various grades of wet and dry. If they are kerbed then you will also need to repair that.

No real need to go back to the metal, as long as the paint is in good nick and sanded smooth its fins to paint over the old stuff.


RMS Regular
GTi Polo
basically what Pablo said....i couldnt be arsed going into that detail (i dont have as much free time as him :p )


RMS Regular
Are the wheels scobed? Or just paint looking shabby?

If theire scobed drop them into Nu-Luk in Carrick, there about the best in the country, but you will pay for the priviledge.

But, as Bibberton says...... if you have to ask [when there is a wealth of info on google about prepping and spraying a surface] then take it to a pro.


RMS Moderator
going to attempt a refurb of a set of old alloys lying about

fancy having a bash at it and see what it turns out like

dont attempt it yourself if you have to ask a question like this!

as Bibberton says...... if you have to ask [when there is a wealth of info on google about prepping and spraying a surface] then take it to a pro.

FFS lads he just wants to have a bash! Hardly a fortune lost if he messes it up.


Remember though, the key to a good finish is preparation.

Thats the key, Ive done 3 sets now, and in the process of doing another... spend alot of time preparing the surface because if this stage is not done properly you will ruin the wheels.

Also the key to painting is numerous light coats, do not try to get full coverage in one, two or even three coats... all they need is a light dusting then left for 15mins. Its pretty easy tbh... I spent about 3 months doing my first set :eek: , now it takes about 4ish days from start to finish. Here's the ones I done for the Vento...



RMS Regular
Amarok V6
Are the Autoglym cans any use or will I end up having to refurb a 2nd time when I find out they are sheeite?


Autoglym paint?

I just used hammerite for the Vento and the ones Im doing atm, and some Simonitz 5 wheel silver for the trim rings. Used the halfords silver for another set. It seemed pretty good and after 2 years are still looking like new.

Remember to clearcoat though


RMS Regular
Sunny Sydney, Australia
Holden Omega Ute
the thing is alot of you boys are semi mechanically minded, ie know a good bit about cars
my point it from nearly all off gbaxter482's posts, well he has proven on many occasions he has not a clue, therefore will make a mess off it, even if he is preping for someone else to paint, there are no painters i know that will let someone else prep and then just paint, as the most important part of painting is the preping, if this is done wrong, the paint will peel, fall off etc etc


RMS Regular

the thing is alot of you boys are semi mechanically minded, ie know a good bit about cars
my point it from nearly all off gbaxter482's posts, well he has proven on many occasions he has not a clue, therefore will make a mess off it,

as some people dont like to forgive and forget, or seem to hold judges as above, i do want to learn, and hence have an old set i am willing to make a mess off, so long as i learn from it!

i have spent all morning, since 9 sanding the wheels, i got 3 differnt wet and dry, from heavy to very fine, and only done one wheel so far. I have been able to get all the marks off pretty well, the worst area was on the outer rim were it has been kerbed, but has been sanded down the best possible.

I think i am going to prime them first as shown by pablo, and them go over them with the finishing job.

I expect this to take me up to the weekend for sanding them down etc, as i want to show that i can make a fair attempt at it!

i did look at nuluk but they were charging £60 plus vat for alloys that wouldnt even sell for £60 as a set.

Will get pics up for those who are interested......



RMS Regular
405 Mi16
the thing is alot of you boys are semi mechanically minded, ie know a good bit about cars
my point it from nearly all off gbaxter482's posts, well he has proven on many occasions he has not a clue, therefore will make a mess off it, even if he is preping for someone else to paint, there are no painters i know that will let someone else prep and then just paint, as the most important part of painting is the preping, if this is done wrong, the paint will peel, fall off etc etc

You don't really have to be mechanically minded to prep and paint a set of wheels


RMS Regular
E60 535d
the thing is alot of you boys are semi mechanically minded, ie know a good bit about cars
my point it from nearly all off gbaxter482's posts, well he has proven on many occasions he has not a clue, therefore will make a mess off it, even if he is preping for someone else to paint, there are no painters i know that will let someone else prep and then just paint, as the most important part of painting is the preping, if this is done wrong, the paint will peel, fall off etc etc

But still we all, at some time or another, knew nothing about cars to start with it just happens to be that baxter knows nothing a bit later in life than some of us...

I say let him have a go at it, if he fncks it up he can do it again and maybe not fnck it up as bad next time.

We learn from our mistakes.


RMS Regular
i called down to them mate, carrickfergus......

Def quoted £60 for one alloy, in saying that, would it make a difference on 16 or 17'' alloys? surely not that much!!>!>?


RMS Regular
cheers pabs?!?! i think lol Going to get the paws washed now as there stinking lol......

one more question...... is there much point doing the inside of the rim?

there not tooo bad, could maybe just do with a good scrubbing with a briillo pad
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