Average speed cameras - anyone got caught?

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RMS Regular
oh dear thats a large wack of humble pie right there dude lol

not at all. i just wanted ollie to prove him wrong as nearly every post he makes on this forum is as ollie pointed out - plain rude. some time it would be nice for someone and to turn around and tell him actually he is wrong.

if he isnt wrong then fair play - but at times the attitude in which it is presented on the forum goes no way in helping the case of police officers.

again i reemphasize that i am NOT anti police in any way, and have met the same nice cops as cock cops.

B A Baracus

RMS Regular
Banterville Retirement Home
Fergie TVO
not at all. i just wanted ollie to prove him wrong as nearly every post he makes on this forum is as ollie pointed out - plain rude. some time it would be nice for someone and to turn around and tell him actually he is wrong.

How is he being rude? He is asking for proof of what has been said.

If you posted up something I believed to be untrue id call your bluff too


RMS Regular
it is more in the manor he asks for proof - not the question that is rude but more than manor in which it is put across is.


RMS Regular
Avo would I be right in saying that temporary speed limits at roadworks are not legal unless they have been advertised in the local papers, also what legalities have temporary traffic lights?


Temporary lights are treated the same as normal traffic lights...

Breach of a Traffic signal.. £60 plus 3..


RMS Regular
at home
in fairness i did say the speed was i think 46 or 47 then i said it wasnt over 50 for sure.

which i`ve came back cap in hand and said it was indeed over 50.

i appreciate the reply, and in no way could that be construed as rude.

I know your always getting people under exaggerating their speed, and i did say it was a fair cop and admitted i got the speed wrong.

i`m not generally one to BS or whinge about something, there are plenty of PSNI haters, i`m currently not one of them, i`ve had no run ins in near 10 years bar i think a numberplate fine, and one cuz they didnt appreciate the Vtec y0! LOL

and the limits mentioned on the previous pages are more than fair, but surely on every force in every region theres a mini hitler somewhere whos fresh out on the beat wanting to dish out some authorita! and some motorists may have the misfortune of meeting them!


RMS Regular
AP1 S2000
Happy days at leastit wasn't me. I forget these things are there half the time. Seem to be doing what they are there for. People have really slowed down on that road. Myself included.(y)


RMS Regular
Bangor, sort of Ards
All broken
Variable speed limits on the road depending on conditions or traffic would have been better than cameras though. Oh but then no money would be generated, sorry. Camera's are a PITA at night or early morning on the way to airport when there is no-one about.


RMS Regular
taken from http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/7512921.stm

Only one motorist has been caught speeding on the main A2 road in north Down since new speed cameras were switched on in May.

Known as 'Specs' cameras, 32 monitor traffic flowing in both directions of the A2, between Bangor and Holywood.

The only other place the 'Speed Enforcement Camera System' operates is on the A1 outside Newry.

In the two years they have been in operation there, 77 motorists have been caught for speeding.

In a statement on Friday, the PSNI said the aim of the scheme was "to reduce the number of casualties through targeted speed enforcement ".

"The success of the scheme is measured solely in the reduction of speed and casualties.

"All deaths and serious injuries caused by road traffic collisions on our roads are unacceptable.

"They are unnecessary. Most are avoidable, which is why road safety and road policing remains a major policing priority."
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