Hybrid M5


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M4 Comp Pack
727bhp is also ridiculous in the hands of someone incompetent on the road - eg my dad could go out and buy one but would I want him too?? wouldn't want him behind the wheel of something so powerful

Could say that for any car really depending on the person but surely a line must be drawn at what you can buy based on your experience/ licence/ tests (which arent available) etc...

I had a decent drive at the weekend in a DBS Superlegerra, which is 715bhp but comes in closer to 1900kg so fair bit lighter than this M5. It's a lot of power for the road yes, but equally, modern traction control systems really help rein it in - along with torque limiting in 1st and 2nd. My biggest gripe would not be that it's 'too much' power for a road user, but that a lot of it is redundant because unless you have an empty Autobahn type road, you'll likely never get to wring it's neck properly. Stretching 3rd out to the redline in the DBS takes you well into license losing territory.

My M4 is obviously not in the same power league but nonetheless, it was one of my arguments on a recent podcast about why I'm tempted to go down in power when I sell the car and get a hot hatch or something like that instead - as it will be a bit more useable on a lot of roads.


RMS Regular
The way it drives will be far more significant than 0.2s on its 0-60 time. Chris Harris reckons BMW M division have found the secret sauce to making heavy cars handle incredibly well so it will be very interesting to hear how this behemoth handles.




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M4 Comp Pack
Are we living in an alternate universe? The Toyota Landcruiser, that mammoth and super tough SUV which is nigh on unkillable, now weighs less (at least in one of its engine/trim levels) than one of BMWs supposedly highly engineered and optimised //M cars



RMS Regular
Alfa 155
The way it drives will be far more significant than 0.2s on its 0-60 time. Chris Harris reckons BMW M division have found the secret sauce to making heavy cars handle incredibly well so it will be very interesting to hear how this behemoth handles.
I get that and I'm sure it will feel OK in the same way that fast suv's can be made to, but, you really can't hide the mass being put through 4 contact patches completely. How many people that have a properly fast car or even a supercar hardly drive them (unless it's just to be seen in it) because you either can't use the performance or there just doesn't seem to be a point using the fuel, tyres and depreciation to go to the shops.
When I lived in Germany, there were a lot of very fast cars in daily use but the morning commute was taken at 150mph or more and they were used to their full potential very often. When you listen to the likes of Harry Medcalfe talking about cars, he often changes out of something because he's not using it and it's a good reminder that you need to be able to use the thing or you are paying for an expensive ornament.
I'm not immune to the same disease myself as I have too many cars that I'm not using so have to think about what I'm going to do with them.


This space available for rent
M4 Comp Pack
Current M cars do seem to be pretty good at disguising their weight on the move (I've noted a direct comment about this in recent reviews of the M3 CS) but ultimately, it boils down to physics. They may feel more nimble than they look but when pushing 100% at various angles, that's still a lot of momentum and weight that has to be contained regardless of what it may feel like to the driver. Horribly sore on tyres and other components though (and tarmac :joy: )


RMS Regular
Alfa 155
I drove the road from Draperstown through Plumbridge yesterday in a bid to use the minimum amount of dual carriageways on my way to an mot in Newbuildings. I was in a 1300kg car with around 120bhp and very compliant suspension in streaming rain, but still had to rein it in to stay sensible. It was great craic just because I could play around with the lack of grip a bit but still carry plenty of speed within the limits of myself, the car and the law. I'm sure I could have driven it much faster with a more capable car but it was a nice sensible pace that was enjoyable without taking many risks.
Not saying we should all be driving 120bhp cars by any means but there is definitely fun to be had with modest power and grip on normal roads.