Kilbroney 2024


RMS Regular
First time finally making it to this show and what an incredible array of vintage stuff, nevermind once you get into the more 90s onwards stuff. The quality of classics on this island really is excellent.

Even seen a couple of things I never knew existed like the Renault 17! Loved this alongside the Sunny ZX and Starlet turbo.





The red John Cooper mini with the open air roof was absolutely beautiful also, too many people around it for a photo though.

Only a minor delay getting into the forest park between 1130-1200, but given all the things I'd read in the past it wasn't that bad and very well run to get people in and parked.

Just needed that rain in middle of afternoon to have stayed away totally but given other years have been rained off I'll take it 😅


RMS Regular
Type RA Ltd
I’m assuming it’s taxed, MOTd and insured, if so what’s his problem?


RMS Regular
I’m assuming it’s taxed, MOTd and insured, if so what’s his problem?

It's MOT and tax exempt due to age.

There's a bit more to the story... I was out driving it during the week and the linings detached from the rear brake shoes. I posted on the Vintage Vehicle Group looking for some quickly to get to Kilbroney as they are no longer available new. This was on Wednesday. Apparently, because I didn't have my crystal ball working (to tell me they were about to fail) this is somehow from a lack of maintenance even though the linings were still about 50% when I removed them from the drum.

I had to get Clarke Brothers to reline the original shoes - dropped off on Thursday morning and they were done by Friday afternoon. I fitted them last night.


RMS Regular
a car
It's MOT and tax exempt due to age.

There's a bit more to the story... I was out driving it during the week and the linings detached from the rear brake shoes. I posted on the Vintage Vehicle Group looking for some quickly to get to Kilbroney as they are no longer available new. This was on Wednesday. Apparently, because I didn't have my crystal ball working (to tell me they were about to fail) this is somehow from a lack of maintenance even though the linings were still about 50% when I removed them from the drum.

I had to get Clarke Brothers to reline the original shoes - dropped off on Thursday morning and they were done by Friday afternoon. I fitted them last night.
Some people are just p***ks and need to ruin other people's happiness in order to make them feel less miserable. Not many of these left on the roads. Maybe it says to scrap them once the brakes perish in the owners manual?