Mechanics Currently

Father Stack

RMS Regular
This thread about the R32 timing chain, and a recent experience I had got me thinking about this - are people finding mechanics are generally less willing to take on work these days because it's a 'big job', and knocking back customers with ridiculously high prices and long wait times?

I was over in England a couple of weeks ago, a wheel bearing went on the Skoda on my way over. I found a mechanic in a wee town where I was staying, rang them on the Monday morning and explained the situation. They took the car that afternoon, ordered the parts, wrong ones were delivered, right ones got, fitted, and I was away again the Tuesday afternoon. It also cost me about 1/2 of what I was expecting. It got me thinking about the last few times I've needed a mechanic:

1.) Starter motor needed replaced on the M3 - few places I rang couldn't look at it for around 4/5/6 weeks. One place took it, rang me 2 days later saying "we can't fix this, you never told us it was a V8" and wouldn't give it back to me until I paid £80 for the transporter. Thankfully a forum member @Johnny_E, put me in touch with a friend of his who did some work out of his garage at home who did it for me within a week, was very grateful!
2.) Skoda needed coilovers fitted - 2 or 3 mechanics did the same (nah, it'll be months before I can get round to that) before @Tufty spotted my post on the forum and his brother very kindly offered to do it.
3.) Girlfriends Suzuki Liana needed some work done, soonest any mechanic locally could look at it was 3 weeks. Booked it in, said it would be done the following day, they ended up having the car on her for 5 days, with zero communication to her (she had to ring at the end of every day to see if the car was ready yet)
4.) AMG Cars to service the Cayman - I rang for a service and the soonest date was 5 weeks away (to be clear I'd no issue with this as it wasn't an urgent problem and Alan did a fantastic job!)

I don't remember mechanics ever being this hard to get a hold of years ago - and just my recent experience in England was complete chalk and cheese from what you'd get here. And for stuff I've needed here, if not for this forum I'd have been snookered.

Want to make it clear this is absolutely not a dig to mechanics, I understand that the current climate is not easy for anyone and it's difficult! It's just more a discussion to see if others are experiencing the same, and if it's a new thing or not.


RMS Regular
where the sun always rises
i blame diagnostics, not many actual mechanics about now to be able to diagnose something themselves!

just to add: imo they just want to do routine servicing now as i think modern cars are overly complicated and therefore too complicated to fix even simplest of things!

i remember my dad saying fook that once ecu's became common in cars! that was the end of him servicing cars


RMS Regular
R33 / V70
Yea it’s a total ballache… especially if you drive an uncommon car.

I wanted a service and new upgraded radiator fitted to the skyline, quick oil change done but “didn’t have time to do the radiator… need to book it in again in few weeks” I end up fitting it myself.

I don’t mind getting hands on but with busy work and home life it’s something I struggle to find time for and I can’t rest if something is broken… it needs fixed asap even if I’m not using it. 🙈😅

So… yea you aren’t alone.


RMS Regular
It does seem increasingly difficult to get anything outside of general servicing done. Even then, I had one recently advised that the fuel filter wasn't changed because it was difficult to get at, so had to make arrangements elsewhere to get the job finished properly.


RMS Regular
S3 Revo
Good for the ones that I use they are flat out busy and its at least 2-4 weeks before getting seen too but the wait is annoying

Fortunately for us, Belfast Service Centre were able to take us within 2 days to deal with the Q5 issue


RMS Regular
Few lads I know who own places won't touch any engine or clutch work anymore as it gets them bogged down. They stick to general servicing and diagnostics now.


General trend across all trades. Everyone is flat out. Try getting your boiler fixed, or a builder in for some work.

As for mechanics - I'm pretty much set-up now to do everything myself thankfully, but on the very rare occasion I do farm the work out I'm reminded why I opt to DIY it. It takes a long time to get booked in, it's expensive as frig and there's a usually a good chance the job isn't done properly.


RMS Regular
Norn Iron
Yeah I'm finding it's like all trades.

I don't know what I am going to do when my Mechanic retires. He's little to no interest working on the complex electrical parts of most modern stuff now either, and at the minute has stopped taking on anyone new.

I really wish I was more confident working on cars myself.


RMS Regular
Yep, disaster. My usual mechanic is that busy and that hard to get a hold of I've given up trying to get the car in with him. Annoyingly as he's very good and I trust that the work is done properly and I'm always happy.

I'm trying to get a hold of @pobmk4 atm 😬

Wanting timing belt water pump engine haldex and DSG service so want someone professional with all the equipment to hand which I know he has.

Happy with belfast service centre @Boydie? I've no experience with them previous.

Ian A

RMS Regular
Friend is a recently started independent mechanic, now up to 3-4 week leadtime. Discussed exactly this, he reckons most of it is that modern cars aren't as straightforward to work on, so each mechanic can process less in a day. About every car requires the laptop, more sensors etc,

Then car price inflation means people are running cars longer to higher mileage which takes more maintenance. Only have to look at the amount of hen houses asking decent money, even those rough examples need maintenance.


RMS Regular
Integra DC5R
Yep, found this over the past few years. I was gutted when AI Autosport (Airforce1 on here before he was banned) when he hung up his tools as he was great. I've taken to do minor servicing myself so I can learn more about my cars but could really benefit from a maintenance course of some kind for medium level jobs.

My brother has a Corrado VR6 and wants to get the chains done as a preventive maintenance job but no one will touch it. The only crowd he knows of is some specialist VW/corrado outfit in England which is looking like a last resort at the moment. I guess having to take the engine out means more chance of the car holding up a ramp longer than expected.

I bought a runabout diesel mk5 golf back in December and left it in with a local mechanic for a look over. He said the lower arm bushes probably won't pass the MOT when it comes around so those would need changing. Booked it in with him and as luck would have it, didn't 3 of the 6 bolts holding the bushes on shear on him. It ended up needing a new subframe and the other bolts drilled out and took over a week sitting on him ramp. I did feel for the guy, but what could either of us do. Never as glad that wasn't a job I tried myself as I would have been stuffed.


RMS Regular
S3 Revo
I would attempt majority of my needs myself if I had somewhere to do it - being away all day at work and the kids in the evenings/weekends keeps me away from more complex repairs

I am tackling a lot of jobs myself compared to before

Father Stack

RMS Regular
Father Stack
Interesting to see a lot of people running into the same problems. As I say I was blown away by how helpful they were at that garage in England, and the way they were speaking it was like no job was too small. Had a lot of cars sitting around getting work done at that moment too.

I'd love to be able to do more stuff myself - but with not having a garage, and only having a stone driveway, and being the age where I simply can't be ar$ed/would rather spend the time elsewhere, it makes it difficult.

I wonder does the mindset of cars becoming white goods have a big hand in it too. The vast majority of non 'car-people' these days lease, HP, PCP or whatever their cars. If something goes wrong, they bring it back where they got it and get another one. I reckon we're going to see mechanics become a very rare commodity in the near future. This allows them to become very selective about what they do, and charge fortunes.


RMS Regular
It's not even a recent problem, my whole family use the same mechanic and my dad even does a few recoveries for the guy. I struggled to get my stuff booked in with him and when I'd drop the car down to his yard on the day he specified, he wouldn't have it ready for a week or 2, or even months. He would be the type of mechanic to not pick up the phone, reply to texts or return calls.

I eventually got sick of the hassle and have been doing my own cars for the last few years. There's not much I won't tackle on my own at this point.

Even with buying tools for doing specific jobs, I still come out saving money.

Wild Thing

RMS Regular
Problem will only get worse, there literally is no one going to the mechanics trade, only plug and play technicians. Dealerships are offering crazy money for skilled mechanics. Why would you bother running your own independent operation vs dealership and perks with no worries


RMS Regular

I service my car and family's car myself. Within reason.

But thankfully my good mate is a mechanic and does all bigger jobs and let's me help out.

Dread to try and find someone I'd trust to do anything right.


RMS Regular
Got to the stage where manufacturers don’t won’t anyone, bar them, working on their cars.

My Dad has been a mechanic for 50+ years and says cars have gotten steadily worse over the years. Early 2000’s was probably the peak.

Would hate to be starting out now.


RMS Regular
Alfa 155
Been doing my own stuff for years now, did a spell of getting the Mrs' car serviced by the dealership and a combination of pricing and stuff not being done or half done sickened me. Tried a few indy's locally for an injector issue I had with a 156 that I had nearly 15 years ago but nobody really wanted to touch it or gave me times that said they didn't want to touch it. Did it myself in the end. That was the last time I asked anyone to do anything tbh. Pain in the hole as it takes time that I could be using to work on my own cars, upside is that I have the tools & equipment to be pretty self sufficient and not at the mercy of long lead times etc.


RMS Regular
. Modern cars and their problems can break your heart and i don't know one mechanic who has,nt lost time and money trying to fix them. which is why everyone wants servicing and brakes and get them in and out quickly.


RMS Regular
Gonna be fun when (if) most stuff is leccy and a mechanics staple diet of oil changes and brake pads is almost gone. I'd doubt too many of the smaller guys / one man band's would be investing in diagnostics for a load of different makes and models.

Father Stack

RMS Regular
Father Stack
Even when (if) EVs become the majority of cars on the road, there's still going to be a need for regular ICE mechanics. But they're going to start commanding a premium!


RMS Regular
Got to the stage where manufacturers don’t won’t anyone, bar them, working on their cars.

My Dad has been a mechanic for 50+ years and says cars have gotten steadily worse over the years. Early 2000’s was probably the peak.

Would hate to be starting out now.

Manufacturer trained and approved mechanics/technicians can’t even repair their own branded vehicles a lot of the time though, which is a lot more common than it should be.

When I was working at GP Turbos, we done a few turbo repairs for Hursts Jeep, including taking in a turbo that wasn’t faulty, so it was returned to them with a report stating that it was fine and that it wasn’t the source of whatever problem they were having. They refitted it, fault remained, removed the turbo and sent it back again. Once again, turbo inspected and returned to them stating that it wasn’t faulty… They installed it, then tried to say that GP were liable for it as they knew the turbo was at fault. They agreed to send the vehicle up to us along with a list of parts that had been fitted to it, a full diagnostics report and the most pompous, arrogant, self obsessed rectal opening of a ‘technician’ to ‘oversee the work’ as he was apparently the highest accredited tool they had in the UK apparently, which is why the Jeep Commander was sent from London to Belfast for repair.

Within a few hundred yards of a test drive, it was obvious that the vehicle couldn’t boost, so Gibby made a very simple diagnosis; blocked/collapsed cat. Hursts wouldn’t hear tell of the cat being removed for fear of legal implications, so we took an hour and made a bolt-in decat pipe to rule it out, reset everything and took it another run. It was like Lambo going down the road and the fault was definitely identified, even though the technician tried saying that we’d done something else to it and wouldn’t tell him.

Blocked cat refitted and Jeep limped across Belfast for them to further deny that it could be the cause as it wasn’t their highly edumacated plank that figured it out.

The vast amount of Land Rovers lying in Belfast that are unable to be repaired as they can’t figure out what’s wrong with them is unreal too, not to mention their 4/5 waiting time to get a look at breakdowns…


RMS Regular
MK3 Leon 1.4tsi
I had a leak in my passenger side door, car was going into Skoda for a service so asked them to sort. I took photos, stuck duct tape where the water was getting in and even told them how to position the car for the door to leak as I realised the water only got in when the car was parked a certain way on a slope. I didn’t fancy trying to get the door card off so that’s why I got them to look.

They determined at as faulty door clips, I was skeptical but went with it, of course next drop of rain and the door leaked again.

Booked into DR Automotive in Ards, gave them the same info as Skoda got and funnily enough they found the leak almost instantly when they hosed the door down and fixed it.

Ended up complaining to Skoda and demanded a full refund for the clips / labour I was charged for and didn’t need.

Super annoying but always use DR Automotive now for any car service etc as they are excellent. I had only took my car to Skoda as it has a service plan so free service basically.