new engine running in

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I thought most, if not all new engines are now run in for a bit on a bench BEFORE they go in the car? Notice now how there is no 1000 miles service on cars? I can only assume thats because the initial running in has been done before the car is delivered.


RMS Regular
Sunny Sydney, Australia
Holden Omega Ute
no mate very few manufacturers will do that, immagine the costs to bench thousands upon thousands of engines!!!
the reason service intervals are longer is engines are supposed to be built better now, with the likes of nickle plated bores, less friction, offset cranks, better engine management and warning, and sensors, the one thing all modern cars pride them selves on now, also the advancement in oil's has alot to do with it

some cars such as rs focuses or something like that, with a bit of performance to them might get benched, but the number of them sold is so minor compared to the rest of the road going cars there is they can afford to do some of the higher performance engines

big cyril

RMS Regular
Interesting debate. I've only had one new car ever so not really an issue for me.
Reckon letting it warm up properly before planting it is probably more important especially for turbo engines. (And letting it cool off before stopping it also).


RMS Regular
i supply the sheet to the road ones too.. much of it still applies.

im still sure they are bench broke in, when i worked for a major engineering manufactuerer, all the engines were bench tested and then repainted..


RMS Regular
Audi A3eeeeeee
Nova Bibby said:
no mate very few manufacturers will do that, immagine the costs to bench thousands upon thousands of engines!!!

i know its kinda relevent but the mazda engines that go in the forklift trucks we build are all run by mazda for a minimum time, to make sure everything is working and so the engine has been run prior to the customer getting it.

i know ever new car my dad bought he was told to drive handy for the first 1000 miles just to give it a chance to bed in.


RMS Regular
Sunny Sydney, Australia
Holden Omega Ute
well most cars come with what is known as delivery miles, this is normally a mileage done round each dealerships coure, like a terack, ok there is the oval that they drive round for sounds and rattles and to see handling, also like a rough tererain bit, loke road bumps, i have never seen a car arrive into a dealership new with more than 10 miles, and i know for a fact, saab, porsche, nor toyota ever benched their road car engines, maybe one engine in every 1000 to make sure the macheniery is not wearing out, but thats about it,
as for the likes of commercial and forklifts yes i have heard they get run in and benched before and after rebuilds, but this is normally due to the more strenuous activities that they are performing
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