Speed Awareness Schemes (SAS)

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RMS Regular
I'm pretty sure the money they take of us covers that course. Considering when I run a course it costs around £300-£600 and we charge £15/20 a head with maybe 10-15 people. We never look to make a profit but come on the police run that course, maybe have around 15 people paying £85 and they provide their own paperwork etc. The only thing they would have to pay would be a venue fee and I'm sure their not gonna get robbed for that. Their not gonna run these courses at a lose.

I'm not talking about people praising punishment I'm talking about them praising the course on the basis of how educational and helpful it was to them.

I'm doing the course but it's not gonna make me slow down all of a sudden but it will probably make me more careful when driving into towns etc.

The police DO NOT run the course, its ran by AA Drivetech, the only input the police have is recommending drivers to attend, if you feel you do not want to attend you still have the option of completing the ticket process or a court appearance.... i know which option i would be opting for..

AA DriveTech

Lee A

RMS Regular
Accord types k24
The police DO NOT run the course, its ran by AA Drivetech, the only input the police have is recommending drivers to attend, if you feel you do not want to attend you still have the option of completing the ticket process or a court appearance.... i know which option i would be opting for..

AA DriveTech
Apologies that is correct, yea I won't be taking the fine and 3 points but I still believe this course will be a load of bull. I'm a first time offender a warning and threat that if caught again then a fine and 3 points would have been more appropriate in my eyes rather than robbing you £85 for a silly e learning module, course and e learning module. Complete waste of my time.


RMS Regular
Apologies that is correct, yea I won't be taking the fine and 3 points but I still believe this course will be a load of bull. I'm a first time offender a warning and threat that if caught again then a fine and 3 points would have been more appropriate in my eyes rather than robbing you £85 for a silly e learning module, course and e learning module. Complete waste of my time.
ur getting a warning and no points and getting shafted for £85 /so u dont have to tell ur insurance company ^o)

Lee A

RMS Regular
Accord types k24
ur getting a warning and no points and getting shafted for £85 /so u dont have to tell ur insurance company ^o)
sure even if i got 3 points it would do **** all with my insurance,all that it does is leaves me at a risk of getting more points and bigger problems. It's £85 for a by ball and that is all it is. Yes i may not be getting points but I'm still having to pay £85 for something that's not really Gonna educate me, when i could get a free speed talk in a tech or school locally.

aaaaaw well no point complaining as that won't change the fact i have to do it. :grinning:


RMS Regular
sure even if i got 3 points it would do **** all with my insurance,all that it does is leaves me at a risk of getting more points and bigger problems. It's £85 for a by ball and that is all it is. Yes i may not be getting points but I'm still having to pay £85 for something that's not really Gonna educate me, when i could get a free speed talk in a tech or school locally.

aaaaaw well no point complaining as that won't change the fact i have to do it. :grinning:
sure would 3 points not put ur insurance up .sure u going to have to pay £60 if u dont go whats 25 quid now days .keep ur speed down


RMS Regular
Nissan 350z
Ok guys got caught earlier. 54 in a 40. Coming from national speed limit to a 40 failed to slow in time.

I need to produc license anyway cause I didn't have it on me.

I really wanna avoid points. How do I apply for this course?? Do I hold off paying fine and sending away etc till I hear from them?? Or what???



RMS Regular
S3 Revo
I think you are given the option at the time?? Looks like you are getting points but maybe mention it in the police station when producing your lisence if you have that option.

Any time I have heard of people going on the SAS its under 10mph over the limit


RMS Regular
Nissan 350z
Thought that myself but people in this thread have been offered it and they been doing same speed as myself

Got the dreaded letter through the post 2 weeks ago saying I'd been caught speeding. 54mph in a 40mph. So I sent off the letter to say it was me driving and waited to see what happened.

Got a letter today inviting me to take part in the new Speed Aware Course. 4hrs long, £85 and you walk away without any points. I'm going to do it but was wondering has anyone done this before?


RMS Regular
OK, if you were stopped and given a ticket and you were travelling at 54 in a 40 you should have been informed at the time to SURRENDER your licence (both parts) at the station you nominated within 7 days of date of issue, then do nothing at all until you get notification from Fixed Penalty Processing Centre (FPPC) about the course.

You are offered the course if you meet the criteria, you CANNOT apply for it yourself. At 54 in a 30 you should be eligible depending on your driving history, you cannot attend or be offered a course if you have attended one in the previous 3 years.

Any probs give me a shout.


RMS Member
You are offered the course if you meet the criteria, you CANNOT apply for it yourself. At 54 in a 30 you should be eligible depending on your driving history, you cannot attend or be offered a course if you have attended one in the previous 3 years.

Any probs give me a shout.

54 in a 30 ^o)

I thought that shiz would land you in front of a magistrate?

Lee A

RMS Regular
Accord types k24
I recently was offered the chance to do this course and paid the £85 to do it, I ended up missing it and did nothing else about it, received a letter in yesterday stating that I either pay £60 and take the 3 points or go to court. I'm pretty peeved of as I believed as I missed the course it would have been a case of accepting the 3 points but now their looking for another £60.

Anyone faced this before?

Lee A

RMS Regular
Accord types k24
I recently was offered the chance to do this course and paid the £85 to do it, I ended up missing it and did nothing else about it, received a letter in yesterday stating that I either pay £60 and take the 3 points or go to court. I'm pretty peeved of as I believed as I missed the course it would have been a case of accepting the 3 points but now their looking for another £60.

Anyone faced this before?


RMS Regular
I recently was offered the chance to do this course and paid the £85 to do it, I ended up missing it and did nothing else about it, received a letter in yesterday stating that I either pay £60 and take the 3 points or go to court. I'm pretty peeved of as I believed as I missed the course it would have been a case of accepting the 3 points but now their looking for another £60.

Anyone faced this before?

The £85 is the fee for the course in lieu of the £60 and 3 points (minimum) however that is dependant on you attending and completing the course, they way it works now is because you missed it you are still liable for either a court appearance or the £60 original fine etc etc

The course is just offered as an alternative disposal.


RMS Regular
49 in a 30 didn't get offered it. No points at the time but have had them in the past.

Could that have been before the scheme started Pabs..?

Criteria is that you have to be within the "band" and that you have not attended and passed a course in the previous 3 years..

I believe previous points are not took into account.


RMS Regular
Nissan 350z
Surrendering license today. Will ask while there. But not payin fine till I hear from sas


RMS Moderator
Bastids. I guess it's too late to do much about it? It ruined my insurance with directline they were great then upped it 50% after I got the points.


RMS Regular
Not sure how you would go about doing it anyway lol IMO opinion you should have been offered the chance to attend at least. Yesterday I dealt with someone fir excess speed that had 11 current valid points on their licence but because they were in the threshold for the SAS I had to make them aware of that as an alternative disposal, as much as I don't agree with a motorist who has 3 previous offences for excess on their licence (one of which was a conviction in court) being offered it I cannot discriminate against them as they meet the required criteria.

In my opinion they are a "professional Speeder" that hasn't learnt the error of their ways from previous offences so they shouldn't be given the chance. . .


RMS Member
Not sure how you would go about doing it anyway lol IMO opinion you should have been offered the chance to attend at least. Yesterday I dealt with someone fir excess speed that had 11 current valid points on their licence but because they were in the threshold for the SAS I had to make them aware of that as an alternative disposal, as much as I don't agree with a motorist who has 3 previous offences for excess on their licence (one of which was a conviction in court) being offered it I cannot discriminate against them as they meet the required criteria.

In my opinion they are a "professional Speeder" that hasn't learnt the error of their ways from previous offences so they shouldn't be given the chance. . .

TBF if i was sitting on eleven I would get a laser jammer or something fitted


RMS Member
Laser jammers are useless against Radar, Vascar and Calibrated speedo's though !

Laser accounts for the majority of it though including vans, and anyway, if you speed with a police car up your backside you deserve to lose your license on the grounds of stupiditiy.

Always wondered, will anyone out with a laser gun stop someone if they have a jammer fitted and can't get a reading or will they just let them drive on?
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