Tripod speed camera?

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RMS Regular
bayyngorr in the S4 Avant
Im on the pickett fence with this one, what is the official police stance on speed detections at the moment as they really dont seem to lowering accident trends (I know, you cant count accidents that were prevented) but going by figures over the last few years its not had much of an impact, detecting people doing 44 in a 40 zone (or 55 in a 50 where there shouldnt be pedestrians nor cars slowing before slip roads and exits) isnt as dangerous as people doing 35-40 in a built up 30 zone.

If common faults were taught at the learning stage then braking distances etc could be rethought and speed limits outside towns could be rained a notch. By faults I mean braking THEN indicating instead of doing it properly indicating then braking, driving closer to speed limits, example, driving from four winds to dundonald the amount of cars I came across doing 25-30 cross country was appalling. Other problems like taxi drivers parking on proper lanes instead of going off and finding legitimate parking spaces cause problems too.
WAYYYY I'm off on one now!
Also, like any other professional, you learn not to take your job personally, if you cant manage that, you shouldnt be doing it.
does that mean I can shout at the employees in my work because they can't use terminal server correctly or clear simple print problems themselves? hell no. so why do so many police officers shout at drivers for having fogs on or whatever minor offences comitted. or take on a personal vendetta to catch as many speeders as possible, at the end of the day its a paid job, you do it as described in your contract, its not a competition to win a prize nor somewhere you bring your personal problems, its a position of power that many abuse. I know many doormen who seem to think it makes them better than they are, they abuse priveliges of their job to become yobs etc. To me abusing your position in any job isnt professional. The reason I mention this is because I got stopped a few months ago for allegedly going round a roundabout too fast (from a stop which wasnt possible) the young policewoman was a tosser, you would have thought id just raped her cat the way she tried to treat me, made me take a breatheliser and explain my actions then told me I was trying to insult her intelligence. The thing is, I dont get derogitory with anyone, maybe the odd line in jest but its always obvious. Why she decided to take it so personally to me is reason enough to think she was unfit to carry out a professional public duty.
Half garbled rant over.


New Member
Im on the pickett fence with this one, what is the official police stance on speed detections at the moment as they really dont seem to lowering accident trends (I know, you cant count accidents that were prevented) but going by figures over the last few years its not had much of an impact, detecting people doing 44 in a 40 zone (or 55 in a 50 where there shouldnt be pedestrians nor cars slowing before slip roads and exits) isnt as dangerous as people doing 35-40 in a built up 30 zone.

If common faults were taught at the learning stage then braking distances etc could be rethought and speed limits outside towns could be rained a notch. By faults I mean braking THEN indicating instead of doing it properly indicating then braking, driving closer to speed limits, example, driving from four winds to dundonald the amount of cars I came across doing 25-30 cross country was appalling. Other problems like taxi drivers parking on proper lanes instead of going off and finding legitimate parking spaces cause problems too.
WAYYYY oI'm off on one now!
You are right on this one Brendy...the standard of driving truly is very poor. Police are not there to harass people doing 44 in a 40 or 55 in a 50. We have a much higher tolerance than that. IMO there should be refresher courses and yes, the elderly should be retested on a regular basis, particularly if they have been involved in an RTC.

Can't see how increasing the speed limit would make a difference in reducing accidents. If it was upped to 70 on A class roads, people would want it to be 80 etc etc.

There are more cars on the roads each year as previously discussed. However there are the same if not less fatal or serious injury accidents, so the work of the Police is doing something.

There are fixed penalties for failing to use the nearside lane, however, when issuing one recently it took nearly half an hour trying to explain to the motorist what was wrong with his driving. Even at that, he rang the office the next day to complain that he was unfairly dealt with.

We have alot of work to do in enforcing and education of motorists, all of whom feel hard done by if THEY are the one who comes on the red end of the laser......I look at it like have a license, you did a test. To pass the test your driving was at a certain (low) standard. If you cannot maintain or improve that then you deserve to be given a shake up.

The lowest fine is £30....a copy of the Highway Code is available online for free or cost about £3 to buy....


New Member
Also, like any other professional, you learn not to take your job personally, if you cant manage that, you shouldnt be doing it.
does that mean I can shout at the employees in my work because they can't use terminal server correctly or clear simple print problems themselves? hell no. so why do so many police officers shout at drivers for having fogs on or whatever minor offences comitted. or take on a personal vendetta to catch as many speeders as possible, at the end of the day its a paid job, you do it as described in your contract, its not a competition to win a prize nor somewhere you bring your personal problems, its a position of power that many abuse. I know many doormen who seem to think it makes them better than they are, they abuse priveliges of their job to become yobs etc. To me abusing your position in any job isnt professional. The reason I mention this is because I got stopped a few months ago for allegedly going round a roundabout too fast (from a stop which wasnt possible) the young policewoman was a tosser, you would have thought id just raped her cat the way she tried to treat me, made me take a breatheliser and explain my actions then told me I was trying to insult her intelligence. The thing is, I dont get derogitory with anyone, maybe the odd line in jest but its always obvious. Why she decided to take it so personally to me is reason enough to think she was unfit to carry out a professional public duty.
Half garbled rant over.

Not taking the job personally is difficult when you stop a motorists and face a torent of abuse from them, being called a w**ker, c**t and whatever other insults you can imagine is where it does get personal. I deal with these people in a cool calm professional is so much easier to write the ticket when the motorist is being a t**t. Quote.... "the young policewoman was a tosser"...pretty personal to me!
I would NEVER shout at a motorist for anything. I don't need to. If I have to raise my vioce then I have lost the discussion. There is also a fixed penalty notice for fog lights, which saves me having to say much at all! Neither is it a personal vendetta to catch as many speeding motorists as possible, but I do love my job. Being out there meeting the public, stopping them, checking driving doucmentation and taking breath tests keep so many foolish people from doing so many foolish things. She was right to take a breath test. If you commit any moving road traffic violation you can and should be breath tested.
Quote..."The thing is, I dont get derogitory with anyone, maybe the odd line in jest but its always obvious"... It may be obvious to looks to me you were trying to be a smart ass and didn't like getting stopped and told off by a female Police officer.
I do love it when people have attitude and one liners, provided they are able to take the ticket, smile and say thank you. I have followed someone I had just booked because he spun his wheels as he drove off. He got booked again. He was much more civil the second time :laughing:


RMS Moderator
in fairness women police officers seem to be the worst. I was coming down the back of city hall at 5pm one eve to pick up my missus. the traffic stopped (as it does every 5m) and when it moved on the car in front of me didnt move on. I beeped my horn and still nothing so I pulled out to go around. Just as I was going around a policewoman bounces out and flags me back in. so i pull back in and she goes off on one at me.

what was i thinking beeping my horn at a policecar? (it was an unmarked mondeo)

i pulled out without looking (yeah in 5pm traffic, that would be smart wouldnt it)

so she "let me go this time" I was too gobsmacked to be cheeky so I was polite and wasnt wound up or anything. You would honestly think Id just verbally abused her or threw a punch at her she was so angry.


RMS Regular
bayyngorr in the S4 Avant
Whoa, no when I got stopped I was courteous, I was talking in general about making light of a situation.
The girl just went of on a rant about how I was nearly just another statistic and that someone had already been killed along there recently etc etc.
I stayed calm as I ouldnt believe what she was saying, in hindsight she behaved like a power hungry tosser, I didnt take the stop personally, perhaps they only caught sight of me heading onto the roundabout because I had stopped completely coming off the end of the mway at whiteabbey.
Ive been stopped for speeding once before on the m2 passing antrim turn off, I was caught and admitted that I was over the speed limit, the policeman behaved more like you would expect and let me off even though he had me banged to rights, he saw instantly that I had made an error in pushing on a little. The felame officer was ranting at me without even having proof of me doing anything untoward.
Im in favour of the police monitoring traffic etc as I said at the start of my first post, but some of the people in power dont know how to handle their mouths. I know an officer who when off duty cant stop talking about where he was during the week etc to me thats wrong and shows that sometimes its just another job that pays the bills rather than getting into the service to service the local community.


RMS Moderator
I also was coming down through mallusk at around 3am one morning in my wifes 106 and there was a police checkpoint. I saw it about a mile away so naturally was approaching at a snails pace, I roll the window down and the lady copper says "I didnt think you were going to stop there!" I really couldnt believe that one. SHe then told me off for not having the paper part of my licence.

Just no need on both counts.

Any bloke cops Ive dealt with have been pretty fair and when points were doled out on one occaision he was alright about it just gave me the basic lecture and sent me on my way with a nice yellow ticket.


RMS Moderator
for any cops on the site who feel a bit victimised at least you dont get this:

Originally posted by 123uniflu




RMS Regular
No bad words about female police!

I was stopped on a motorway in Norway once for doing the shocking speed of 75mph, and it was by the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. All I could do was sit there smiling stupidly, drowning in her bright blue eyes, and thank her for allowing me to receive a £350 fine from her immaculate hand :grinning:


RMS Regular
E60 535d
No bad words about female police!

I was stopped on a motorway in Norway once for doing the shocking speed of 75mph, and it was by the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. All I could do was sit there smiling stupidly, drowning in her bright blue eyes, and thank her for allowing me to receive a £350 fine from her immaculate hand :grinning:

Unfortunately thats norway sven and the scandinavian birds all seem to be blonde haired blue eyed stunners compared to the munters we have in the psni....

Although in saying that ive seen a few tasty birds in the psni pity they are out of bounds.
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