Very Serious R1 crash. "WARNING"

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RMS Regular
Over here!
V50, MT-10, MSX

This is a recording of a post fatal accident scene after a R1 hit a car at 220kph.

Its REALLY graphic and not for the faint hearted. I really surpised someone didnt stop/punch/shoot the guy who recorded it.

Its not my intent to offend anyone. It is posted purely to show and just remind us how vunerable bikes and how stupid some roadusers are.

Quote from the camera man:

"I'm the one who filmed this nasty accident. I was returning with 2 of my
friends from a local race 350 km away from my town. These guys were
returning also, they came just to watch the race. The road is very nice,
good quality and twisty. Here is the driver fault, the guy in red leather
said that they were speeding and this driver wanted to take left, he first
stopped, and they thought that he is gonna wait until they pass, but in the
next second he pushed the gas pedal thinking he has time to pass....and this
horrible accident happend. The lady is ok now. I don't know about the driver
but he is guilty and he must be judged for killing a man.

This guy with Yamaha was riding pretty fast but well...he passed by us in a
curve and he put he's knee down...they were pretty good. I can say that on
that bike you could find whatever you wanted, steel brake lines, steering
damper, full akrapovic exhaust, michelin pilot power tires,
quickshfter...everything money could buy, tha bike was new. Also the rider
had all equipment, full leathers, gloves, boots, helmet but nothing could
save him from the accident. We arrived after 1 or 2 minutes after the
accident, we tried to help the guy but it was useless...and then i took my
cam and start filming. Everybody was shocked, i haven't seen such a wrecked bike. The front wheel was stucked in the cars wheel, everything was cracked.

Ambulance arrived after 15 or 20 minutes, police same...this is because the
main cities were situated at 30 and 40 km away. But i don't know if the guy
could be saved.One of my friends is saying there that he saw him shaking and then giving his last breath. He was really shocked about this.

From what i've understood after the accident is that the guy was really bad
injured inside his body, many organs destroyed. He was a rich man from one
of Romania big cities, he was manager of 3 companies he was 27 year old and motorcycle was just a hobby for weekends. But this hobby killed him."


RMS Regular
Be-Fast ;)
Sad to see, but at least he died doing something he loved.

I see he had all the right gear on too, including a back protector.

Not much use though, falling off is ok - its what you hit which is the problem :worried:



RMS Regular
Los Angeles
2011 Camaro SS
i just invested in a velocity gear level 2 back protector. funny thing is, the better the protective gear i buy, the more paranoid i become. i see gravel on the road at every canyon corner now.....

p 5ary

RMS Regular
very sad to see but my main concern is that the driver of the car is ok, if the guy on the bike wants to go 220 by all means go ahead but be prepared to accept the concequences and dont put someone else in that position that is an innocent driver that has no choice.

a guy on a bike nearly hit my girlfriend when she pulled out very recently, a blind bend fully lit on the bike, stupid idiot!

big cyril

RMS Regular
very sad to see but my main concern is that the driver of the car is ok, if the guy on the bike wants to go 220 by all means go ahead but be prepared to accept the concequences and dont put someone else in that position that is an innocent driver that has no choice.

a guy on a bike nearly hit my girlfriend when she pulled out very recently, a blind bend fully lit on the bike, stupid idiot!

The classic car pulls out at T junction into path of bike is not always the fault of the car driver as bikers often claim - research was done by a senior cop in England, and in the majority of the accidents the accident investigators found that the bike was going so quickly it genuinely wasn't there when the car driver looked, not a case of the car driver not looking properly.


RMS Regular
GTi Polo

My sympathys go to the person trapped in the car. She was minding her own business when some eejit hit her at over 200kph.


RMS Regular
i accept that sometimes it is the car drivers fault, i been on the back of the bike wit my dad and cars have nearly wiped us out on dual carriageway etc by not looking.

But bikers are very silly sometimes, and doing that kind of speed is only ever gonna result in summit bad happenin.

I have on one occassion also been close to hitting a biker - he came round on the wrong side of the road on a blind bend out of conmlig, flat lit straight in front of me, it was a miracle i didnt hit him - he then had the cheek to give my the bird also....

unfortunately it happens, but if bikers like this would wise up it would happen less.


Four winds
turbo ctr,Eclips
i agree there P5ary, on the way to work at 5.45 last week some guy overtook me on a bike at well over ton, when another car came round the corner and caused him to pull in behind the megane infront of me, he narrowly missed the oncoming car by inches, and nearly caused a collision between me , him and the lady in the megane. Most bike owners are twats.


Four winds
turbo ctr,Eclips
Then how come every biker that passes me is either 1.looking to be silly and race, or 2. Overtake dangerousley at quite high speeds.
Your most likley one of the none stupid ones, but when you come across at least one bike a day whos acting the **** you soon begin to think there mostley arseholes.


RMS Regular
Be-Fast ;)
Then how come every biker that passes me is either 1.looking to be silly and race, or 2. Overtake dangerousley at quite high speeds.
Your most likley one of the none stupid ones, but when you come across at least one bike a day whos acting the **** you soon begin to think there mostley arseholes.

It's probably because its sooooo easy to pass traffic on a bike. A bike is just constant speed, unlike a car which is going to get held up by traffic.

Sensible bikers (most of them), would not be looking to race cars as if you are on any sports 600 or bigger it is just a waste of petrol.

They should be showing consideration to other road users and leaving them enough room though. I do hate it if a biker passes me and pulls back in straight away after passing, as their sticky rear tyre will inevitably through up a stone or two when they cross the white line.



New Member
Toyota Soarer GZ
Word: Junction - Anyone stupid to be doing that speed over a main road junction is on the list for a darwin award. Such a shame he nearly took someone elses innocent life with him.

big cyril

RMS Regular
I think you will find that it's the minority who are twats.


Well I can't remember that last time I saw someone on a bike ride normally - inevitably they always HAVE to pass, even if it means on a blind corner.

The one guy I saw riding normally recently was on a big BMW boxer engined bike - he waited until a straight, and it struck me it was the first time I'd seen anyone riding properly on the road for ages.

Most dangerous is when there is a group as the first one or two will usually get by ok when a straight comes up but then numbers three and four are caught with the decision whether to pass on the corner or not and of course have to go round the corner on the wrong side rather than face the possibility of losing some ground to their mates.

I know it's easier to pass on a bike than in a car because of the narrow width and quicker acceleration but it doesn't mean that they can pass anywhere and it will be ok - they can't but usually don't realize this until there isn't a big enough gap between the oncoming cars, then it's too late.

(and I have a bike and car license in case anyone accuses me of being an anti biker Nazi!)


RMS Regular
Be-Fast ;)
Well I can't remember that last time I saw someone on a bike ride normally - inevitably they always HAVE to pass, even if it means on a blind corner.

The one guy I saw riding normally recently was on a big BMW boxer engined bike - he waited until a straight, and it struck me it was the first time I'd seen anyone riding properly on the road for ages.

Most dangerous is when there is a group as the first one or two will usually get by ok when a straight comes up but then numbers three and four are caught with the decision whether to pass on the corner or not and of course have to go round the corner on the wrong side rather than face the possibility of losing some ground to their mates.

I know it's easier to pass on a bike than in a car because of the narrow width and quicker acceleration but it doesn't mean that they can pass anywhere and it will be ok - they can't but usually don't realize this until there isn't a big enough gap between the oncoming cars, then it's too late.

(and I have a bike and car license in case anyone accuses me of being an anti biker Nazi!)

Well, bikes CAN make better progress than cars period.

There are some real twats about though, for example there is one idiot who filters the traffic at I'm sure must be 70-80mph commuting to Mallusk over Corr's corner on a gixer thou, and I'm just waiting on someone to change lanes and wipe him out.

Riding in groups is also a problem with bikers as you rightly say - slower riders can end up getting dragged along by faster ones etc. Experienced groups though will have usual meeting points where they will re-group.

I'm probably a bit biased on this subject and shouldn't really get involved, but I stand by my opinion that the vast majority of bikers aren't twats :p



RMS Regular
ive been a sensible bike rider for well over 4 year now, and everyone like saying how mad these biking twats are! ppl seem to forget about the ppl in "fast" cars who think they own the road. a read an article a while ago and it was proven the majority of biking accident are caused by car drivers not giving anough room for bikers! ever wonder why there are so many road safe adverts about bikers directed at car drivers?

i dont wanted to sound one sided! i drive about 30k miles a year with my job,cover all over ireland and i have had more near misses than i care to remember, from both bikers, car drivers, buses, lorries, etc

i have no sympaty for ppl (car or bike) who feel it necessary to go anywhere at at stupid speeds, but from all the accidents i can remember, the worst ones have involved cars.


New Member
s15 silvia+new c
well i think everyone drive's at them sorta speed's for the adrenaline !! and the speed's the bikes can do is a serious rush, ill second the waste of petrol trying to race someone with a 600+ sports bike !!! but i think when anyone gets on a bike they just let lose cos of the freedom .... well imo anyway

big cyril

RMS Regular
Bike will always get through traffic quicker and can safely pass where cars can't, and there's no doubt that in a straight line even a 600 will be faster than pretty much any car you care to mention.
That is given, and the rider doesn't have to wait long for an oppotunity to pass, that's why it seems nuts that they can't even wait for the few moments instead of doing a suicide pass on corners/blind crests etc.

@ZS120 - I've been noseying at the figures from the Psni website (anorak I know! :oops: ) and it suggests that in the serious/fatal bike accidents the fault was the rider's own in approx 50% of cases.

The other thing is the '3rd lane' which some bikers seem to think exists along the middle of the road.
Where the road is wide enough, if I'm in the car and a bike is behind I'll move over to let them pass as easy as possible, but there a loads of folks who may not notice that a bike overtaking against oncoming traffic is depending upon them to keep totally left within their lane and may swerve for a pothole etc.....
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