what do you think of this paint scheme?

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RMS Regular
Sunny Sydney, Australia
Holden Omega Ute
nah i got it painted in t.k.motors, luckily im the son of the owner or i would of been paying £4000 + vat for all the work and consumables, paint alone was 400 quid a litre+vat from dupont and used their top notch laquer also at 80 quid a litre, remembering these paints were activated when i got them, if they had not of been activated, it would of cost more as there wouldof been physically more paint
but i did do a good bit of the work ny self, all the preping, swapping, any mechanical and a bit of welding, just let my dad do the spraying and stuff like that or else t would of looked like the mourne mountains!
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