Costs of owning and running a lorry

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RMS Regular
Fair play bud ..not sure how long you've run your own units but were these rules not in place when you started your own operation. I would have my nails bit down the knuckle with worry if i ran two or three units and didn't really know if my drivers were doing things legal because if there was an incident on the road and some innocent road user was killed because of the trucker being tired /overweight / speeding it would be me as well as the driver spending time in the Big house because im the "O" licence not saying this is your story BTW.
I Have been in the haulage game 22years and yes you are 100%correct in everything you have said.tbh.its tough but it's my career ,my life and it's all I can and probably will ever do.Do I want my son to do it in 12 years time,DO I FECK .


RMS Regular
I ha

My pet hate ,white van drivers .Oops my tranny is white but I'm a law abiding professional driver who always works to rule so I'm ok.



RMS Regular
A car
Going to be some messing around with suzies now whilst trying to figure out how to get them to do the same !


RMS Regular
If you're a 'heavier' chap you could just split-couple, then again you're probably not allowed to in that yard @O.C.D ?

Less of that 'Health and Safety' bollocks please, leave all that for the dedicated non-thinkers.

Painted walkways, hi-viz vests, turn your reversing bleeper off before you annoy our neighbours, chock your wheels, take your suzie off and put our security servo on, hand your keys in, then go in sit in our driver's room with all the other reprobates please 'drive'.
Oh and before you leave, you need to open the trailer and show that strategically shaved monkey at the security gate that you aren't taking anything with you!

Aye OK... you silly english twats.



RMS Regular
If you're a 'heavier' chap you could just split-couple, then again you're probably not allowed to in that yard @O.C.D ?

Less of that 'Health and Safety' bollocks please, leave all that for the dedicated non-thinkers.

Painted walkways, hi-viz vests, turn your reversing bleeper off before you annoy our neighbours, chock your wheels, take your suzie off and put our security servo on, hand your keys in, then go in sit in our driver's room with all the other reprobates please 'drive'.
Oh and before you leave, you need to open the trailer and show that strategically shaved monkey at the security gate that you aren't taking anything with you!

Aye OK... you silly english twats.

Yeh your right ...but when your getting paid by the hour the slower things go the better .Did you never hear the saying ...When you're marching your not fighting.!!
Btw im a slim gentleman but if they want to spend a dung load of money on things to make my job even easier well Crack on.


RMS Regular
A car
Don't understand this mate:rolleyes:
The trailer connections all slide out which is handy but what about the unit ? Most all connect in the middle so if you hook in and slide the nice fancy trailer ones out surely you need to reach across the tanks to try and grab the lines ?
Bound to be some contraption for the unit as well so you can gain easy access ?


RMS Regular
Nah mate the suzies are stowed on a hanger just behind the wind kit on the near side so no need to reach for them, they are all there well within reaching distance. Simples .:laughing:


RMS Regular
The trailer connections all slide out which is handy but what about the unit ? Most all connect in the middle so if you hook in and slide the nice fancy trailer ones out surely you need to reach across the tanks to try and grab the lines ?
Bound to be some contraption for the unit as well so you can gain easy access ?

Dumbie plugs for holding suzie ends ( pic stole from Google).....

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