Well after a lot of new RMS forum members asking what the big hype was about the good old days of NI cruising i decided to relive some of the memories and get certain images from my archive onto the site, basically Nutts Corner circuit private track days, illegal diffing session all over NI that just "happened", bishopscourt air strip racing and the list goes on and on. Some crazy crazy nights, the most memorable after a show in the Kings Hall and going diffin at Nutts Corner market, then the main road was closed off in a complete Fast & Furious manner while folk drag raced all night and the law sat at the end of the road diverting traffic away from the A26, how anyone got away with it is priceless.


Graham is a photojournalist and motoring writer with over 20 varied years of coverage from manufacturer press launches to international motorsport and motoring events throughout the world. Graham is a full member of the Guild of Motoring Writers and Ulster Motor Writers Association.