Tripod speed camera?

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New Member
"please dont speed because it kills and we want to stop you speedingfor your own good, not just catch you and make money to "dont speed or we will catch you, end of" It's just the whole deception and patronising nature of the whole thing that bothers me.

I would never patronise the motoring public. When i stop a speeder my opening line is.....
"Hello. I have stopped you today for driving at excess speed. You were doing 85mph. Do you have any pionts on your licence?"

DON'T ask..."do you know why I stopped you?" (always leaves you open to smart A ss answers)
DON'T ask..."do you know the speed limit on this road.
DON't ask... "are you in a hurry?"
DON'T ask..."Did you not see me there?"'re lovin it!
ALWAYS....hum a tune while writing the ticket.
ALWAYS....pass a nice comment on the speeders car. unless its a FORD

and remember.....if your Granny should to come along at 90, Court is always an option!


RMS Regular
Policing fairly would entail speed detection method using detterence rather than detection as the main goal. You know what I mean, don't make any attempt to disguise yourself while operating the equipment. I do not resent speed detection operations as above and I welcome the education efforts and discretion, of which I have first hand experience of. As for the revenue not covering the opeartion, the police are not a private company that needs to be profitable, however, I just don't beleive that somewhere along the line there aren't targets to be met. I come to this conclusion by witnessing first hand the actions of several patrols conceeling themselves, why else do it?
Which leads me on to my next point, I cannot speak for everyone who claims to have seen a patrol "hiding" but the two instances I gave were 100% true and like I said, would take the stand and repeat them.
Im sure you are aware, that just because complaints aren't made does not mean it won't happen. in this country in particular there is a large sense of "the people vs the police" please bear in mind this is nothing close to my own standpoint, but alot of people out there don't trust the police enough to even bother complaining to them. As for higher officers complaining? I have no idea what those individuals are likely to do, in most professions however, you stick together, not that this is necessarily a negative trait, but "grassing" isn't often encouraged in any profession.
I agree with you on the last point, please see my original post, if you don't want to be caught don't speed BUT I just don't like the way the general public and lied to and patronised with the whole "we are doing this for your own good" nonsense, sometimes actions speak louder than words

Phew, where do i start?
Targets - the only targets we have reducing death & serious injury on NI roads & denying criminals the use of the road. Like everything else people will choose not to believe this. Go ask your MPs to submit a written letter to the Chief Constable. Please come back and tell us all what the answer is.

Complaints - you don't have to trust the police any more to complain about them. Go to the Police Ombudsman, totally independent from the police. Maybe people don't trust them either. Maybe we should have an Ombudsmans Ombudsman?

People v Police - No. Speeders v Police maybe.

Senior Officers - Surely you're not suggesting senior police officers turn a blind eye to any misconduct. See Ombudsman.

Lying/Patronising - I do neither, but I will give points if I catch you speeding.

@ B A. Nail on the head. If you're caught, you're caught. Take it on the chin.


RMS Regular
We cant hide the cameras....they come in great big liveried vans with pictures on the side....just for the hard of sight speeder.... I did request a camouflage net but didn't get anywhere with that one!

Do make myself 'less obvious' when using the laser. Don't always wear hi-vis kit, depends on where I am operating.

Don't agree with the thought that we do it as a money making activity. I do it cause I love the expression on the face of the motorist as I stand up out of my fox hole, remove the gilly suit and camouflage paint and reach into the unmarked car to pull out my pen........PRICELESS!

You really do love your job :party:


RMS Moderator
problem is rybo everyone speeds, everyone. be it lack of awareness of your speed, lack of awareness of the speed limit or just because you want to get there faster, everyone speeds at some point.

big cyril

RMS Regular
I don't speed. I have a clean licence, kinda like I don't smoke so I dont have a cough....but if I did, I wouldn't blame Benson and HEDGES (like that one) for selling me the ciggies.

I don't for one minute believe that there is a single person who drives a car and NEVER breaks a speed limit.

Folks, the speed debate can go on and on but times are changing, all govt services are being challenged (not just policing), accountability is expected but more importantly people are being expected to produce evidence to support what they are doing, so that the best results are produced for the taxpayers money.
There relevance to road safety is that the evidence for speed detection will need to be produced, and it is perhaps interesting that in England the proliferation of fixed speed cameras has stopped, and in some areas cameras are being decomissioned.
Does this evidence exist?
Speeding does not directly lead to accidents, overtaking on blind corners does, as does changing lanes on the the motorway or dual carriageway without looking, as does leaving the trailer of your lorry in the fast lane of the dual carriageway as you attempt to turn in an unsuitably small junction,
yet all these are paid less attention whilst speed detection is king.

The 70 mph speed limit was decided by a female aristocrat about 50 years ago, and the reason was because that was all her car could do or some other such unscientific reason, so it's not exactly evidence based either!


New Member
Cyril my friend.
i tell you that I conceal myself from view to conduct speed detections. I tell you that i enjoy my job, dishing out speeding tickets and bringing unlawful motorists to book, and i tell you that I don't speed. I don't! I drive a 1992 306 gets me from a to b, eveuntally. that is its main, nay, only, function in life. Why is it that you don't believe me.... I DO NOT SPEED!


RMS Regular
i tell you that I conceal myself from view to conduct speed detections. I tell you that i enjoy my job, dishing out speeding tickets and bringing unlawful motorists to book, and i tell you that I don't speed. I don't! I drive a 1992 306 gets me from a to b, eveuntally. that is its main, nay, only, function in life. Why is it that you don't believe me.... I DO NOT SPEED!
And I think you're posting shyte if you don't mind me saying.;)

Entrapment! that's what it is. If you feel that you've been maltreated in the way that you were snared then by all means take it to court and fight it! may the best man win! but in reality you'll lose. At the end of the day if you don't plant the pedal you've got nothing to fear. It's not rocket science it's fact.


RMS Regular
Was going down the b'mena dual carriageway earlier slightly above 70 and noticed the tripod standing with a officer hidin around a hedge.
This I can't get my head around?:relieved:

How could the officer have been standing behind the hedge when he needs to be standing with the equipment in order to 'lock' onto the target (speeding motorist).
Maybe you mean both the officer and the detection equipment were behind the hedge? again how could this be true considering you need a full unobstructed view ahead! the laser can't go round corners.
Millions might believe you but I certainly don't.;)


RMS Regular
And I think you're posting shyte if you don't mind me saying.;)

Entrapment! that's what it is. If you feel that you've been maltreated in the way that you were snared then by all means take it to court and fight it! may the best man win! but in reality you'll lose. At the end of the day if you don't plant the pedal you've got nothing to fear. It's not rocket science it's fact.
It's only entrapment if the action of the police causes or encourages you to break the law.


RMS Regular
Phew, where do i start?
Targets - the only targets we have reducing death & serious injury on NI roads & denying criminals the use of the road. Like everything else people will choose not to believe this. Go ask your MPs to submit a written letter to the Chief Constable. Please come back and tell us all what the answer is.

Complaints - you don't have to trust the police any more to complain about them. Go to the Police Ombudsman, totally independent from the police. Maybe people don't trust them either. Maybe we should have an Ombudsmans Ombudsman?

People v Police - No. Speeders v Police maybe.

Senior Officers - Surely you're not suggesting senior police officers turn a blind eye to any misconduct. See Ombudsman.
Lying/Patronising - I do neither, but I will give points if I catch you speeding.

@ B A. Nail on the head. If you're caught, you're caught. Take it on the chin.
If your target is to reduce deaths on the road why not solely operate at black spots with a proven track record for deaths. I know there are some that are were policed but as far as Im concerned there are an equal number of "cash generation" black spots as well which seems to be policed even more enthusiastically.
Complain to the ombudsman over the position of a speed trap? A bit OTT IMO and probably in most other peoples as well. So "hiding" while operating a speed trap is "misconduct" then? An offence your colleague has admitted to repeatedly, are you going to ignore his admissions of "misconduct"? We've had people taken up recently for admitting to speeding on an internet forum....
I'm not suggesting you lie or patronise anyone but the PSNIs PR dept or someone calling the shots does when they come out with their usual nonsense. If it were any other way you (not meant personally) wouldn't want to catch people speeding but rather have preventing people from doing so in the first place. The other way that methods employed by your colleague will achieve this is by pretty much by banning every from the road in the first place!


RMS Regular
Not wanting to cause further arguments here but just want to point out that even though only Traffic Branch seem to get the blame when it comes to speed detections etc etc its not only Traffic Branch that do the speed detections..

Most officers on the ground are now trained in the use of one type of laser or radar nowadays and they regularly use them..

Just my tuppence worth and an attempt to deflect some of the blame to local station


RMS Regular
Focus TDCI
As said we 'ALL' speed and for those caught (me included) hopefully its made us think twice.. As for the 'hiding' business, known fact cops hide.. BUT why if apparently they dont hide, do the detection vans have BIG yellow and orange luminous lines on the sides, but where you actually see when coming down the road towards them.. i.e the back of the van. have both doors open and everythings masked in black? could be a good reason for this ^o)

Lets all just move to germany and play on the autobhan! (except for holiday seasons when its really really busy)


RMS Regular
bangor mostly...
Interesting points in this thread.

Everyone speeds or has done at some point.

Speed limits are arbitary and not dependant on conditions.

Everyones driving abilities vary.

Everyones vehicles abilities vary.

This is why we need police officers and not cameras. Cameras have no intelligence.

The only dealings in life so far I've had with the police are motoring related and to be honest I think I've been treated fairly so far, except for one occasion (but I was in the wrong, I just didn't agree with the judgement call).

Most people who consider themselves to be law abiding still fall foul of the law for motoring offences and understandably this aggrevates them while the person that broke into their house or stole their car or stole their mobile or vandalised their property just never seems to be caught.

Just recall why the national speed limit was introduced and when it was introduced. Personally I feel that motorways need variable speed limits and that under optimum circumstances the limit needs to increase.

There are no rights and wrongs here, just the law and the enforcement of the law.


RMS Regular
This I can't get my head around?:relieved:

How could the officer have been standing behind the hedge when he needs to be standing with the equipment in order to 'lock' onto the target (speeding motorist).
Maybe you mean both the officer and the detection equipment were behind the hedge? again how could this be true considering you need a full unobstructed view ahead! the laser can't go round corners.
Millions might believe you but I certainly don't.;)

If u'v ever seen how a soldier hangs around a corner with a gun this is how i mean... but with a hedge as a wall and a speed gun!


RMS Regular
If u'v ever seen how a soldier hangs around a corner with a gun this is how i mean... but with a hedge as a wall and a speed gun!

Some with a god complex can but dream of being an SAS comando jumping out surprising the bad guy... with a hair dryer.

Anyhoo... the last chaps to stop me were all normal "bobbies" from Portglenown [sp] in a blue avensis of all things, the chaps were decent about it all, I knew I was caught i sat back and waited on the ticket, which incedently never came. Just a producer with a "you've the car looking well son... dont fire it into a feild and kill yourself, bye now"

Oh and Flyboy... theres frig all wrong with Fords!


RMS Regular
E60 535d
@ Pablo. Lol at police actively trying to trap people speeding. How can anyone but you & your own right foot make you speed? You're either doing it or you're not. Don't try to blame anyones speeding on police.

The only people targetted are those who break the speed limit. This keeps going round in circle after circle. Those who obey the speed limits have nothing to worry about - cops 'hiding', hi-vis clothing, wrong road, braking distances etc etc etc.

My car is not only capable of 90 on the motorway, its capable of crashing into things, making a terrible mess & killing people. I wonder how you'd cope at 90 when a fox or badger runs out in front of you. Not to mention horses, cows, swans, tractors, cyclists or people. Yes I've had to deal with ALL of these things on the motorway. Planks of wood, lorry tyres, exhaust systems, bags of coal the list goes on & on. If you'd ever witnessed even the aftermath of a smash at motorway speeds you would not be advocating higher speed limits. Yes you might think 90 is Ok & for some careful competent drivers who maintain full concentration on the road, and in the right road conditions, visibility etc, it is. But there are too many IFs there to just raise the speed limit in my opinion. Too many bad drivers who can't even cope with existing laws to even consider raising the limits. And to achieve what? At most, on a clear road, reduced journey time of less than 5 mins. Its a recipe for disaster.

There are quite a few laws I don't particularly like or agree with. Tough. I'm left with a choice of whether to break them or not. I choose not to. If I didn't & get caught, its my fault - no-one elses & I wouldn't bleat about it. Or how they caught me. If I feel strongly about something being so wrong, I'd try to get it changed.

Correct me if im wrong but id say my car is capable of doing the above at 70mph as well.....

Someone mentioned how cars have improved and speed limits raised, unfortunately not all cars on the road have improved soem barely pass an mot so speed limits have to be based on the worst cars on the road not the best with respect to stopping distances etc etc.:confounded:


RMS Regular
E60 535d
Cyril my friend.
i tell you that I conceal myself from view to conduct speed detections. I tell you that i enjoy my job, dishing out speeding tickets and bringing unlawful motorists to book, and i tell you that I don't speed. I don't! I drive a 1992 306 gets me from a to b, eveuntally. that is its main, nay, only, function in life. Why is it that you don't believe me.... I DO NOT SPEED!

Lies its all lies......

Peugeot didnt start producing the 306 til 93:party:


New Member
As said we 'ALL' speed and for those caught (me included) hopefully its made us think twice.. As for the 'hiding' business, known fact cops hide.. BUT why if apparently they dont hide, do the detection vans have BIG yellow and orange luminous lines on the sides, but where you actually see when coming down the road towards them.. i.e the back of the van. have both doors open and everythings masked in black? could be a good reason for this ^o)

Lets all just move to germany and play on the autobhan! (except for holiday seasons when its really really busy)
oh....the Germany dream is a load of dung too. The 'no limit' on the Autobahn is getting smaller and smaller, most have limits on now.
And...if you saw the tatics the German authorities use you would think the PSNI are being over we are!

big cyril

RMS Regular
oh....the Germany dream is a load of dung too. The 'no limit' on the Autobahn is getting smaller and smaller, most have limits on now.
And...if you saw the tatics the German authorities use you would think the PSNI are being over we are!

Plenty of autobahn is derestricted, but all derestricted has variable limits depending upon conditions, and all is safer than our limited motorways.

Could Avo or Rybo please confirm that flyboy is genuine and not someone messing about?


RMS Staff
A few points:

1. Only 30% of the Autobahn has a speed limit

2. The 70 mph limit was introduced in 1965 when the average top speed of all cars on the market was 89 mph. Probably a fair enough limit back then, when most cars had drum brakes, leaf springs, cross ply tires and drivers had a very basic test.

3. The limit hasn't been revised since, despite significant improvements in driver training, car design and tyre technology. Put simply, cars and drivers are more able to drive faster safely now than in 1965.

4. Fixed and mobile speed cameras do not save lives. We now have 54 road deaths for every 1m of our population. Our roads are more dangerous than Holland, Sweden, Switzerland and Norway. In the past six years the number of speed cameras in the UK have trebled. Road deaths have fallen by 7%. Over the same period deaths in France fell by 35% and 25% in Sweden and Holland without the widespread introduction of cameras that blight us here.


RMS Regular
Plenty of autobahn is derestricted, but all derestricted has variable limits depending upon conditions, and all is safer than our limited motorways.

Could Avo or Rybo please confirm that flyboy is genuine and not someone messing about?

I don't know. But I'm beginning to wonder.
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