All new cars must have 'black box' spying device fitted from next year

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RMS Regular
Co. Down
in addition to my above post, I think that in-car cameras are the future.

Take policing into your own hands, ensure you save the dangerous displays around you and email the video to the police, every single time (obviously not when you're speeding, self incriminating is NOT cool)

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
in addition to my above post, I think that in-car cameras are the future.

Take policing into your own hands, ensure you save the dangerous displays around you and email the video to the police, every single time (obviously not when you're speeding, self incriminating is NOT cool)
I agree. I have a camera fitted.


RMS Regular
Co. Down
People do nothing but complain about the police on our roads when they do try and enforce laws.

As a fairly confident driver, my only issue with the police on the roads is what they do not do when blatant acts of bad driving are going on around them.

If i get caught where there is a camera or hairdryer (general in a 30) then i friggin deserve it. The black box now stops every ounce of fun driving, you know, the stuff we do for enjoyment, the quick run over the hills when it is quiet on the way home. The sunday runs with friends. The quick over take so you can sit comfortably at 60 instead of 52. All of that will be a thing of the past - none of it is dangerous.

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
well now you'd have one sitting in the passenger seat watching EVERYTHING you do. I fail to see how thats better?
Ok, if you literally had a cop in your car watching wat happened and you had a non fault accident would you not think it would help having him there to see the true story of wat happened?

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
Its the same as the in car cameras, its just something else thats there to help prove your innocence.

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
I had my rb5 wrote off two years ago by a 86 yr old that pulled across the dual carriageway on me, it was all straight forward and he admitted it was his fault straight away but if he had have said I was doin 100mph and driving like a fool a black box would have proved I was doing the correct speed.


RMS Regular
Acura MDX
I had my rb5 wrote off two years ago by a 86 yr old that pulled across the dual carriageway on me, it was all straight forward and he admitted it was his fault straight away but if he had have said I was doin 100mph and driving like a fool a black box would have proved I was doing the correct speed.

There's always a scenario to justify oppressive measures.

Why not argue for CCTV in every home to prosecute those guilty of domestic violence and child abuse?

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
There's always a scenario to justify oppressive measures.

Why not argue for CCTV in every home to prosecute those guilty of domestic violence and child abuse?
It all depends where you want to stop really.


RMS Regular
Co. Down
I had my rb5 wrote off two years ago by a 86 yr old that pulled across the dual carriageway on me, it was all straight forward and he admitted it was his fault straight away but if he had have said I was doin 100mph and driving like a fool a black box would have proved I was doing the correct speed.

Yup, and at the same time his black box would have proven he wasn't driving like a d*ck.

Right back to he said she said bullsh*t

As I said above, speed and location have no baring on how safe your driving it.

Wild Thing

RMS Regular
cant be bothered reading all posts, but here is the fact, if you opt out it is up to the insurance company to prove you are liable, whereas if you have the box they will manipulate the evidence. If everyone pleaded invasion of human rights it will be shelved in 6 months. My closing thought is, you are only insured until you claim, dont make the wriggle factor get any easier for the fat cats


RMS Regular
South USA
Its not a case of 'If you are obeying the law you should have nothing to worry about then' but if you are not breaking any law, then the government have no right whatsoever in your business. If you aren't suspected of breaking the law then you are allowed to travel around freely about your business without being hassled, watched or spied upon.

To make the roads safer you could put all cars on railway tracks so everyone has to do what the puppet master commands but as Thomas Jefferson said "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery"


RMS Regular
Love all these doo gooders...they never speed and never spin the wheels, brake gently and never accelerate hard..but they drive evos and scoobys and god knows what else.....yeh right your all perfect drivers and will benifit from these devices...if you really would why the hell do you want a performance a Nissan Leaf and get off the Car forums
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