Dashcams and Dashcam Footage


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C63 / Emira
Ah a nightmare, he clearly didn't look, hope you sat on the horn as one of the occasions its really needed!


RMS Regular
Legacy SpecB
Sitting behind a slow moving lorry and a car for a few miles, I decided the car wasnt going to pass so went to pass them both, and the car almost pulled into the side of me. Ended up speeding up to get past and ran onto a chevron area. I have been mulling over this, I dont think it's a good example of driving from me, although the other guy shouldn’t have pulled out. I was in the other lane before he indicated.

I had someone do that to me before when I was overtaking both them, and the car infront in the MX5 I had

Didn't have the shoulder you had there, but thankfully somehow I made space

Got to the lights at the end of the road and the guy pulls up beside me and starts yelling at ME for it! Telling me "It's illegal to overtake multiple cars". I told him that's a load of sh1t and it's his responsibility to check his mirrors before making such a maneuver but he just kept on shouting "It's illegal to overtake multiple cars"

Reminds me of when I done a U turn at a mini-roundabout once (Dee Street, was heading towards the Sydenham bypass and got a call and had to turn back towards Belfast) and got the same, guy didn't expect me to come back to the exit I entered on and pulled out infront of me and claimed you're not allowed to do a U turn on a mini roundabout too, that's Illegal also apparently

I take interest to keep on top of my knowledge of the highway code, but many don't and just rely on wives tales and here say, boils my piss. You're meant to know the rules of the road ffs!


RMS Regular
Great news
That’s like this roundabout. It’s never used properly people don’t indicate when they’re taking the first exit and indicate right when taking the second exit. I get people pulling out in front of me all the time when I enter the roundabout with no indicator to take the second exit. They give all sorts of hand signals it’s basic highway code and it really annoys me.


RMS Regular
Sitting behind a slow moving lorry and a car for a few miles, I decided the car wasnt going to pass so went to pass them both, and the car almost pulled into the side of me. Ended up speeding up to get past and ran onto a chevron area. I have been mulling over this, I dont think it's a good example of driving from me, although the other guy shouldn’t have pulled out. I was in the other lane before he indicated.

One of those 'grey area' scenarios there. He could have glanced in his mirror a second or two before indicating, thinking it was clear... or perhaps he just didn't glance at all. From the video, it seems like the latter.

Granted if he had have made contact, would likely have been his fault given he had no indicator on when you had originally pulled out, but pinning it past the chevrons is probably not the best idea either if the jeep and trailer had decided to turn right! :joy: Looks like you could have been in a sticky situation there for sure!


RMS Regular
Integra DC5R
That actually happened my brother a good few years back. He was heading back from an overnight shift, pulled out to overtake a lorry after checking his mirrors and clattered into the side of a Sportage, took full responsibility and shows how easily it is done.

We both now double check changing lanes or overtaking now since that accident.


RMS Regular
Old Ford
Sitting behind a slow moving lorry and a car for a few miles, I decided the car wasnt going to pass so went to pass them both, and the car almost pulled into the side of me. Ended up speeding up to get past and ran onto a chevron area. I have been mulling over this, I dont think it's a good example of driving from me, although the other guy shouldn’t have pulled out. I was in the other lane before he indicated.

Doing that, you should anticipate the person in front will be blind and only focused elsewhere. But it is 99% their fault. The rules are quite simple, mirror, signal, manoeuvre.

Quite clearly they never checked their mirrors at all, or checked over their shoulder etc at least not for other vehicles etc

They should have seen, and should not have moved out until it was clear and safe to do so all around them. Not just being fixated in front of them


RMS Regular
Sitting behind a slow moving lorry and a car for a few miles, I decided the car wasnt going to pass so went to pass them both, and the car almost pulled into the side of me. Ended up speeding up to get past and ran onto a chevron area. I have been mulling over this, I dont think it's a good example of driving from me, although the other guy shouldn’t have pulled out. I was in the other lane before he indicated.

I’ve been in the position of the Passat driver where myself and a car behind me went for an overtake at exactly the same time. Luckily I noticed the car behind me pulling out just as I was and was able to pull back in to let them go. Looks like the Passat driver takes no notice of their surroundings after committing for the overtake and just ploughs on causing you to take action.


RMS Regular
S3 Revo
Yesterday morning

This fellow, who was dithering all about the road prior to this, just stopped in the middle of a junction to let every one out - good Samaritan sure maybe but wtf

Then yesterday on the way home, I am behind this Seat and Tractor - prior to this, the Seat was all over the road, braking constantly, cutting corners. I would have assumed they would have seen me behind them, I also stayed well back, gave them the opportunity to over take when the tractor moved over to the left, I indicated then committed to the over take.... nope..... (enjoy a snippet of Sold as Seen @Cooper)



RMS Regular
Legacy SpecB
Yesterday morning

This fellow, who was dithering all about the road prior to this, just stopped in the middle of a junction to let every one out - good Samaritan sure maybe but wtf

Then yesterday on the way home, I am behind this Seat and Tractor - prior to this, the Seat was all over the road, braking constantly, cutting corners. I would have assumed they would have seen me behind them, I also stayed well back, gave them the opportunity to over take when the tractor moved over to the left, I indicated then committed to the over take.... nope..... (enjoy a snippet of Sold as Seen @Cooper)



RMS Regular
XJR 575, A4
Yesterday morning

This fellow, who was dithering all about the road prior to this, just stopped in the middle of a junction to let every one out - good Samaritan sure maybe but wtf

Then yesterday on the way home, I am behind this Seat and Tractor - prior to this, the Seat was all over the road, braking constantly, cutting corners. I would have assumed they would have seen me behind them, I also stayed well back, gave them the opportunity to over take when the tractor moved over to the left, I indicated then committed to the over take.... nope..... (enjoy a snippet of Sold as Seen @Cooper)

Can understand letting a/one car out and car behind doing the same, but for one car to let a whole queue out and hold up others behind you - nah.

As for the Seat, seen this plenty, not using mirrors. Must be there for decoration :laughing:


RMS Regular
A6/E39 530i
Anyone seen any decent deals on front and rear dashcams? Ideally Nextbase or Blackvue.
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RMS Regular
Alfa 155
All those overtaking ones give me the heebie jeebies.
30 odd years ago we were following a rally in my tuned Morris Ital (yes, why would you etc. but it could actually shift) and travelling along a good stretch of main road in a line of traffic that was following a tractor at 30mph max, I went out for a look and nothing was coming so gave it the message and now overtaking a long line of cars at more than double their speed (very silly) when a lad just did a proper right turn and was sat not far front of me doing half the speed. I stamped on the brakes and all 4 wheels locked, matey heard the screeching behind him and I could see his eyes like saucers in his rear view mirror. He pulled back in and I dropped a gear and got the frig out of dodge but the cloud of tyre smoke had engulfed everything behind us. It gave me a proper fear of people pulling out on me while overtaking, been very aware of it ever since. Flat spotted all 4 tyres and had to replace them too. 8o| **** move by me in the first place tbh but don't think I've been as close to hitting another car at speed.


RMS Regular
Leon FR
Any recommendations on a dashcam?

Do I need Wi-Fi?
Do I need a rear cam?
Do I need GPS?
Do I need 4K?

Will be looking to hardwire it via fuse box as well


RMS Regular
Any recommendations on a dashcam?

Do I need Wi-Fi?
Do I need a rear cam?
Do I need GPS?
Do I need 4K?

Will be looking to hardwire it via fuse box as well
I bought a next base 512 about a year ago I'd say. Hardwired in. Great and handy job. I opted not for rear cam, on the basis that if ur hit from behind, the fault lies with the other party the majority of the time