All new cars must have 'black box' spying device fitted from next year

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Stu Beck

RMS Regular
Im not a black box engineer but im sure it will do the purpose its designed for.

They wouldnt put them in cars if they didnt monitor the drivers performance. Do they not detect harsh braking and accelerating through G sensors?


RMS Regular
Echoing the above, speeding isnt the worst element of bad driving. It is however the most profitable; this being just another way to cash in on that be it via fines, or increased premiums.

120+ on an empty motorway is alot safer than 30 or 40mph with some drivers I have been a passanger with on normal roads. Few situations where I honestly thought It was the end ffs but they would gladly fit the box and benefit from reduced premiums.

As for detecting harsh braking accelerating etc, so you brake to avoid a child, or some other **** pulling out or cutting you off, box doesnt see that? So will you have to justify every time youve had to hit a pedal suddenly, or would you be safer doing a hit and run on the child, whilst accelerating and breaking smoothly throughout?

Its a load of balls imo

Edit - Dashcams manditorily fitted, with recording in event of a crash to be used is something I could support with much less of a grudge. Would stop so many people being cocks.


RMS Regular
Co. Down
Im not a black box engineer but im sure it will do the purpose its designed for.

They wouldnt put them in cars if they didnt monitor the drivers performance. Do they not detect harsh braking and accelerating through G sensors?

Think about this before posting...

... these would NOT be introduced unless it was lining someones pockets. All they NEED to know is speed and location. Next thing you have fixed penalty in the post and your insurance goes up automatically. Win Win for NI Courts & Tribunal Services and the various insurance companies.

This, the same as "safety cameras" does absolutely feck all for road safety, just penalises those who maybe go over the limit now and then.

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
Think about this before posting...

... these would NOT be introduced unless it was lining someones pockets. All they NEED to know is speed and location. Next thing you have fixed penalty in the post and your insurance goes up automatically. Win Win for NI Courts & Tribunal Services and the various insurance companies.

This, the same as "safety cameras" does absolutely feck all for road safety, just penalises those who maybe go over the limit now and then.
So you think these will be purely for speeding?

Again if your not speeding do you need to worry?

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
People need to give things a chance instead of shooting them down before they even start. People on here spend hours complaining about bad drivers and when its announced they are trying something to stop it theres an uproar!


up north
has to be all but unenforceable surely ??
so anyone with a car they actually enjoy driving on a deserted back road can now just forget about it ?
as said won't do a thing about 90 % of what you would class as bad driving.
it's not going to deter the pr!cks i encounter every fkn day that emerge from side roads onto dual carriageways causing the inside lane to either brake or try to swap lanes for eg.
very careless & dangerous but not detectable under that wonderful system -
just yet another slice of bureaucracy aimed at assholes wanting control of folks lives with no doubt a profit to be made somewhere down the line too .
load of w@nk !


RMS Regular
So you think these will be purely for speeding?

Again if your not speeding do you need to worry?

Not to single yourself out mate but its just relevant to the above post - In my oppinion its more to do with the fact that theyre being introduced as a safety measure when in reality that isnt the primary purpose, and even as a secondary purpose it will do little to combat the true sources of bad driving

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
Not to single yourself out mate but its just relevant to the above post - In my oppinion its more to do with the fact that theyre being introduced as a safety measure when in reality that isnt the primary purpose, and even as a secondary purpose it will do little to combat the true sources of bad driving
You may be right but it has to be given a chance.


RMS Regular
Co. Down
People need to give things a chance instead of shooting them down before they even start. People on here spend hours complaining about bad drivers and when its announced they are trying something to stop it theres an uproar!

Well then, do please explain to me how it will sort out poor driving standards.

Even if you can give a quarter of logical explanation towards it I will be happy to climb on board that ship of yours, but the scenario the rest of us are seeing is ultimately the most likely outcome so whatever safety related issues you are seeing the rest of us are baffled by. Speeding is NOT dangerous when the person behind the wheel is driving safely. Those limits were introduced in the 60's and technology has progressed somewhat since then, so again, please explain to me how this black box is going to weed out the shiite drivers?

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
Well then, do please explain to me how it will sort out poor driving standards.

Even if you can give a quarter of logical explanation towards it I will be happy to climb on board that ship of yours, but the scenario the rest of us are seeing is ultimately the most likely outcome so whatever safety related issues you are seeing the rest of us are baffled by. Speeding is NOT dangerous when the person behind the wheel is driving safely. Those limits were introduced in the 60's and technology has progressed somewhat since then, so again, please explain to me how this black box is going to weed out the shiite drivers?
Again, im not a blackbox expert but im sure they wouldnt be used if they did bugger all.


RMS Regular
Acura MDX
Not to speculate too much, but here's the kind of scenario I imagine...

The black box idea is probably coming from some company that has a patent design getting the support of the financial services industry who are angel investors in the little company with the patent, and they in turn lobby the required law changes through government as a tax generator, who in turn pitch it to the public as a safety measure.

It's 101 on how to become a billionaire.

Step 1: Come up with a product that will gain government interest (new weapons, security device, tax generator, etc)
Step 2: Get investors and spend a small fortune lobbying to sell it to your government, including (if necessary) the law changes required to enforce the need of your invention.
Step 3: Charge the government inordinate sums of money for your product because it's coming from tax coffers and you have no competition.
Step 4: Buy an island in the South Pacific.


Stu Beck

RMS Regular
But they do do something, they will line someones pockets, and as such will remain a "requirement"
So wat would you suggest to help get bad drivers off the road?

People complain about speed cameras and cops with hair dryers.


RMS Regular
The problem with giving them a try is that once the requirement/legislation comes into effect it'll be very hard to reverse. Sure were R plates not meant to be tested here for only a trial period?

Did this black box guff come from Brussels or London?

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
Final post, if one was to help convict a driver that killed a love one people will be for it and if it helped get the same people three points for speeding they would be against it.

EF Ian

RMS Regular
EF & 260Z GT-R
People need to give things a chance instead of shooting them down before they even start. People on here spend hours complaining about bad drivers and when its announced they are trying something to stop it theres an uproar!
How is speeding and bad driving related? I can't see how they can properly tell if you are driving badly from this, only if you are speeding and speeding isn't as bad as bad driving (obviously depending on situation)

It won't stop bad drivers.


RMS Regular
Co. Down
So wat would you suggest to help get bad drivers off the road?

People complain about speed cameras and cops with hair dryers.

I have no issue with cameras and cops with hairdryers - i've been caught myself purely through being off guard and held my hands up.

Having spoke with many members of our police service they all say the same thing, you never see the dangerous or bad driving when in a liveried car, but on the drive home suddenly everyone turns into an ar5ehole.

Unfortunately if anything is to be done it is going to take up resources from other areas of police to follow up on complaints and reports from other road users.

I have had the police arrive at my door to have a wee word about dangerous driving because I over took a coffin dodger on my daily commute, I was reported by the elderly woman driving. What she failed to mention was that she was doing 25mph and could barely stay in the correct lane on the B-road I was on. What pi55ed her off even more is that she was paying so little attention to the road and what was going on around her that I probably appeared out of nowhere and scared the sh*t out of her.

Who was in the wrong there? Which one of us was being dangerous? as far as I am concerned it was not me, I had the spacial awareness to carry out a safe over take giving enough room had she decided to wonder across the lanes again and get away from the pending accident that is awaiting her. The police officers went on their way supposedly to have a word with her, but I doubt they did.

Stu Beck

RMS Regular
How is speeding and bad driving related? I can't see how they can properly tell if you are driving badly from this, only if you are speeding and speeding isn't as bad as bad driving (obviously depending on situation)

It won't stop bad drivers.
Is speeding not the biggest contributor to deaths on our roads?
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