Belfast Motor Show 2014, Kings Hall

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RMS Regular
To be fair Storm if anything it's cleverly written. The first paragraph makes reference to the previous incarnation of the motor show and obviously is done so to plant a seed. And youre right the second paragraph only reaffirms it's NOT a proper as you'd expect motor show.

If I paid a tenner in Id be mightily phked off as it's evident many people are. I'm hoping they haven't all gone out on the soup after the show and have yet to read their Facebook and Twitter accounts. They'll be extremely grumpy when they see it lol

Rover Repair

RMS Regular
Belfast MotorShow

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Put that on the FB page. I need to see the lols
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RMS Regular
I have memories of going to big shows in the Kings Hall when I was younger with my da. In saying that I'm only 20 now so not exactly a million years ago but some of them were brilliant.

Shame that something like this will harm subsequent shows in the venue IMO. "sure the one last year was crap" or a few months ago, or whatever.


RMS Regular
Megane 275 Cup-S
@Artoir There was some representation from Hursts. I know a couple of our guys delivered cars down as they came back with a while bunch of complimentary wrist bands.


RMS Regular
Lol, and didn't they snub a lot of the local car clubs?

Maybe they should take a look at how the gtini guys run a show! Ha

Exactly what I said a long way back.

GTINI run dubshed which is awesome. And I don't even like modern dubs much. It was never going to be even a patch on Dubshed, Titanic Dubs or Castlewellan.

Always thought this was an ambitious idea they had to run a "Belfast Motor Show" again. I am also from the generation who loved the original Motor Show and looked forward to it. I had hoped that they could have made a success of it and wished them good luck but the signs were never good.

I would have thought the first thing the organisers could have done was look at the likes of Dubshed, contact any of us from GTINI which could have been done through the Kings Hall if needed. As far as I'm aware they didn't. We have toyed with the idea of an all types event like Dubshed but we already have enough to do with the 3 shows and Dubshed and Castlewellan both have some other marque/car club involvement already.

I didn't think they were ever going to get the local dealers onboard as we have been hitting our heads off that proverbial brick wall for a few years now with Dubshed even though we have put a strong case forward to the dealerships of the benefits to them as we know there is a lot of money spent on cars by enthusiasts as just browsing through this and other forums show with VAG enthusiasts being particularly brand loyal.

I think they seem to have tried to target an audience which doesn't really exist, they snubbed the car club/enthusiasts and tried the general public first and foremost but the average joe doesn't really have any interest in attending a car show like the one they have provided when they can just walk into the nice shiny dealership, be served coffee and biscuits, test drive some cars and go over the options there before buying. Without major manufacturer involvement like the previous motor show it was always going to be an uphill struggle to pull off.

As for using the gravel area of the Kings Hall complex as has been shown. We had attempted to make use of that area this year at Dubshed and very quickly realised it wasn't going to work so moved the cars off it and have other plans for the area next year. (again this info could have been passed on if we had been asked).

I'm sorry to see what the event went the way it did and feel for the organisers if they made the investment in hiring the venue etc. Was it possibly a case of them trying to make it too big, too soon? or misrepresentation? I don't know but the name being "Belfast Motor Show" and references to the past motor shows did give them a very big act to follow as they were awesome.


RMS Regular
@Artoir There was some representation from Hursts. I know a couple of our guys delivered cars down as they came back with a while bunch of complimentary wrist bands.

Nothing like there should have been. Should have had an F Type etc down and veen trying to sell them.


RMS Regular
Carlos VonDriver
So, let me get this right, not worth going to then?

To be fair, there are a few shows that could do with a shake up,I remember the days when you had to send organisers a spec of your car to be considered, I even remember organisers having meets leading up to some shows for visual inspections of your submission. Meaning that what the paying public we're seeing wasn't your average family saloon with different coloured wheels to the one beside it,the only desirable quality exhibitors must have now is £10 in their pocket to gain access.
It used to be about quality, not quantity..... Granted it seems, Belfast Motor Show had neither.


RMS Photographer
By the sea
Press Cars
LoL they were offered help from a lot of folks with a kot of heavy contacts and they declined or simply didnt get back in touch.

Yes people willing to give up their time for FREE and pass on some contacts that money couldn't buy to make it a success got snubbed.

Says it all really I think.

Money making exercise that I hope gets taken to the cleaners and sinks those who have misled so many.


RMS Regular
I see they have said doors open at 10am. Yet you still can't get in. People posting on Facebook from outside in the que. I'd be very surprised after the unhappy exhibitors revolt this AM that they open at all.

I'm still baffled that it opened yesterday but reading they sold 10,000 tickets which at first I thought to be nonsense but when you look at over 1000 sales from living and groupon and a few other sites then it's easy to see how they did. If say that lifted £60k ish when you take in discounts etc. God knows what they took from exhibitors. Maybe £10k and the cost of the show I'd guess at about £20k max. Its a nice couple of days pay.


RMS Regular
lol just realised theres the facebook page and some event pages and they're all filled with similar comments, jesus what a total cluster ****.


RMS Regular
Sadly it was always going to fail advertising it as "The Belfast Motor Show" as without the backing of car manufacturers to supply cars and the main dealerships to supply staff and targeting the general public was a recipe for disaster.
I think the organisers had seen the success of some of the shows put on here and thought they could do the same and cash in.

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