Dashcams and Dashcam Footage


RMS Regular
audi a4
noticed this on the way down M1 near Lurgan, Fella was still driving on hard shoulder with the stub of the axle digging into the tarmac, he still had 4 mile or so to go to moira exit




RMS Regular
It is completely irrelevant where the person in the left lane has come from or is going. If someone in the right lane doesnt bother their arse to look before driving into their path, they are 100% at fault.
The person in the left lane may not always be there correctly, but they are there legally. Whereas driving into people is....well, I think it is illegal ? If not illegal it is rather silly and perhaps dangerous.
Dont imagine the police ever charge people with much for doing it though....unless of course they were maybe speeding too.
Seems crashing and driving into people is way down the list of priorities, unless it's that blue astra

The highway code offers guidance here, but it doesnt say you MUST do any particular thing which is usually where the legal bits come in

wait so you a left lane user who goes more than straight on at a round about?

Im losing respect for you stevieturbo...

Personally more than happy for folk to drive into you if your doing the above.

IF you are just pointing out a lack of law enforcement on muppets who do this or a lack of road markings to make it illegal then i retract my desire for people to drive into you :grinning:



RMS Regular
But nope...these are the very drivers who get a totally ignored by the law as if what they do is perfecly safe.

I bet if a police car had been behind any of the last batch you posted, or the woman crossing three lanes in the first one, then they would be stopped. Have you tried sharing this with police, if the licence plates are legible? They obviously could not be everywhere.

Yes, there is tigerfood everywhere, and people do stupid things all the time. Yesterday a chap decided to join the M2, head straight out into the outside lane at 45mph (yes, 45mph), right in front of me. And yes, inside lane completely empty, lol. Young chap too. No malice or anything, just absolutely no clue, playing with his phone.

If we put all of them in jail, the roads would be empty.

Oh, hang on :p :innocent:


RMS Regular
Old Ford
wait so you a left lane user who goes more than straight on at a round about?

Im losing respect for you stevieturbo...

Personally more than happy for folk to drive into you if your doing the above.

IF you are just pointing out a lack of law enforcement on muppets who do this or a lack of road markings to make it illegal then i retract my desire for people to drive into you :grinning:


I use the appropriate lane for where I want to go, which is a legal lane. Are there other legal lanes ? there may be.

But what was being condoned was people in the right ramming into people on the left because the person in the right lane thinks the person in the left shouldnt be there.

Lose respect all you like, but what I'm saying is fact and legal.


RMS Regular
Old Ford
I bet if a police car had been behind any of the last batch you posted, or the woman crossing three lanes in the first one, then they would be stopped. Have you tried sharing this with police, if the licence plates are legible? They obviously could not be everywhere.

Yes, there is tigerfood everywhere, and people do stupid things all the time. Yesterday a chap decided to join the M2, head straight out into the outside lane at 45mph (yes, 45mph), right in front of me. And yes, inside lane completely empty, lol. Young chap too. No malice or anything, just absolutely no clue, playing with his phone.

If we put all of them in jail, the roads would be empty.

Oh, hang on :p :innocent:

I'm not saying to jail them, I'm saying they need their license removed until they are competent and fit to be on the roads.

Sure they dont even jail murders, rapists, paedo's or bombers....so are they really going to jail some thick motorists ? ( unless speed is involved...maybe )


RMS Regular
I use the appropriate lane for where I want to go, which is a legal lane. Are there other legal lanes ? there may be.

But what was being condoned was people in the right ramming into people on the left because the person in the right lane thinks the person in the left shouldnt be there.

Lose respect all you like, but what I'm saying is fact and legal.

So using the left hand lane to go more than left or straight on is legal, though ill advised? (if im understanding you right)



RMS Regular
Everybody who drives will have done something worthy of appearing on some arseholes' dashcam at some point, it's called being human.

You weren't wise going up the inside of thon Ewing man on a roundabout Stevie, whether you thought you were in the right or not. Pull a stunt like that often enough and you will end up getting drove over.


RMS Regular
Triumph Speed Tr
Put it this way @stevieturbo, if you were to travel past the 12 o'clock position of a roundabout during your driving test, you would be awarded a serious fault and fail instantly therefore never achieving the required standard for your driving license in the first place.

You are right about one thing though, you should always check your mirrors and blind spots, signal if necessary before changing direction in any given situation.


RMS Regular
Old Ford
Put it this way @stevieturbo, if you were to travel past the 12 o'clock position of a roundabout during your driving test, you would be awarded a serious fault and fail instantly therefore never achieving the required standard for your driving license in the first place.

You are right about one thing though, you should always check your mirrors and blind spots, signal if necessary before changing direction in any given situation.

The tester would have little justification for doing that though as once again there are no rules or laws to say you cannot, even more so when there are clearly identified lanes you can stay in.
So he would be wrong to do so and you would have good grounds for appeal. Especially as you may be entering a roundabout where you dont know the exact clock layout of any exits, so which lane would you go in then ?
Is 1 second past 12 oclock right or left ? How pedantic do you try and enforce this mystical 12 oclock rule ?

Of course the other option, is just use whatever lane you want to get around idiots taking forever :laughing: and haven't a clue where they're going.


RMS Regular
The tester would have little justification for doing that though as once again there are no rules or laws to say you cannot, even more so when there are clearly identified lanes you can stay in.
So he would be wrong to do so and you would have good grounds for appeal. Especially as you may be entering a roundabout where you dont know the exact clock layout of any exits, so which lane would you go in then ?
Is 1 second past 12 oclock right or left ? How pedantic do you try and enforce this mystical 12 oclock rule ?

Of course the other option, is just use whatever lane you want to get around idiots taking forever :laughing: and haven't a clue where they're going.

Right hand lane in that case.



RMS Regular
nw ni
maybe another way to look at it is .for an experienced driver to not use defensive driving seeing danger not reacting to it two wrongs dont make a right
and even if you are right in an accident does it not affect you one way or another
I agree with 99%of the comments you put up by the way


RMS Regular
Old Ford
It's as simple as this diagram @stevieturbo. If you can't make sense of that then I suggest you get in touch with the IAM and brush up on your skills.

Show where it states that is the only legal option and MUST be adhered to rigorously ? Especially on a roundabout that is not anywhere near a round shape as per picture and with lanes identified from start to finish ?
Again, there is no mystical 12 o'clock rule in law, and your diagram has no lanes or markings indicated on the roundabout, probably due to it's size.
It is not a like for like comparison.

Right hand lane in that case.


Either lane in this case can be deemed "appropriate" given road markings.


RMS Regular
There's no law saying you can't eat your own sh*t in public but anyone with a shred of common sense knows it's taboo. In some of the videos above driving in a defensive manner would have kept you away from any danger. It's best to assume everyone is about to pull an insane manoeuvre and don't accelerate into an area where someone is likely to be crossing.


RMS Regular
Triumph Speed Tr
Show where it states that is the only legal option and MUST be adhered to rigorously ? Especially on a roundabout that is not anywhere near a round shape as per picture and with lanes identified from start to finish ?
Again, there is no mystical 12 o'clock rule in law, and your diagram has no lanes or markings indicated on the roundabout, probably due to it's size.
It is not a like for like comparison.

How about you show me something to back up what you're saying? I have backed up everything I have said with links from the highway code and the IAM. As said before, 12 o'clock is a simple method for describing or explaining straight ahead on a roundabout. Going past straight ahead in the left hand lane is essentially the same as turning right from the left hand lane of a cross road.


RMS Regular
Nova 1600 8v
I use the appropriate lane for where I want to go, which is a legal lane. Are there other legal lanes ? there may be.

But what was being condoned was people in the right ramming into people on the left because the person in the right lane thinks the person in the left shouldnt be there.

Lose respect all you like, but what I'm saying is fact and legal.

If you had entered the roundabout in that lane beside me, I wouldn't have expected to see you beside me when me got to the straight bit over the M1. I probably wouldn't have crashed into you, but I would have been surprised to see you. And I would have been muttering to the wife about how this eejit beside us doesn't know how to use a roundabout.
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RMS Regular
Old Ford
If you had entered the roundabout in that lane beside me, I wouldn't have expected to see you beside me when me got to the straight bit over the M1. I probably wouldn't have crashed into you, but I would have been surprised to see you. And I would have been muttering to the wife about how this eejit beside us doesn't know how to use a roundabout.

Then you should be more observant.

If you want to get really pedantic and observe this dreamt up rule about 12 oclock


Actual entrance onto the roundabout and then exit at Moira are either side of 12/6 o'clock, so almost essentially straight, actually slightly less. We're not talking about the road either side, but actual entry and exit points which is what matters.
For those who seem think the right lane is the only correct lane to use here...

Take a typical week day around 1700-1800hrs. Where would you think it appropriate to change lane to get to the Moira exit from the right lane ?


RMS Regular
Leon FR
Then you should be more observant.

If you want to get really pedantic and observe this dreamt up rule about 12 oclock


Actual entrance onto the roundabout and then exit at Moira are either side of 12/6 o'clock, so almost essentially straight, actually slightly less. We're not talking about the road either side, but actual entry and exit points which is what matters.
For those who seem think the right lane is the only correct lane to use here...

Take a typical week day around 1700-1800hrs. Where would you think it appropriate to change lane to get to the Moira exit from the right lane ?

I don't think it matters what the actual roundabout layout is but what is signified on the sign for the approach.


RMS Regular
Old Ford
I'd like to think reality and actual road is more important than a signpost.

And as Steve has pointed out....it is getting silly.