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RMS Regular
Leon FR
I'd like to think reality and actual road is more important than a signpost.

And as Steve has pointed out....it is getting silly.

Well for the purposes of being in the correct lane on the approach to the roundabout then you should always go by what the sign points out - we all know that particular roundabout but whatabout people that have never been on it before? They can't see through the roundabout for the exit positions etc.


RMS Regular
Point is you know the roundabout well and it could be the lorrys first time ever on it that's another reason why he should be given a wide berth.
And the fact he's about 10 times your size and weight!


RMS Regular
Short video from back in April of this year. Dad driving out of Sainsburys at sprucefield spotted this going into the Sainsburys garage :confounded:



RMS Regular
Nova 1600 8v
And as Steve has pointed out....it is getting silly.

It is getting silly, but it's quite funny. It's rare to see such arrogance as you have displayed. The vast majority of people think you have used the wrong lane and put yourself in harms way, but you just won't give it up.

You say the 12 o'clock rule is "dreamt up", but it's here in The Official Highway Code for Northern Ireland.

Point 186:
"When taking an exit to the right or going full circle, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise
• signal right and approach in the right-hand lane
• keep to the right on the roundabout until you need to change lanes to exit the roundabout
• signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want.

Taking an exit to the right to most people would mean anything after 12 o'clock, assuming your entry to the roundabout was considered to be at 6 o'clock.

Point 187:
"In all cases watch out for and give plenty of room to
• traffic crossing in front of you on the roundabout, especially vehicles intending to leave by the next exit
• traffic which may be straddling lanes or positioned incorrectly
• long vehicles (including those towing trailers). These might have to take a different course or straddle lanes either approaching or on the roundabout because of their length. Watch out for their signals.

This link is to more official clarity for you, which actually used the o'clock nomenclature:


RMS Regular
Time for a quick message from the DOE....


Over 95% of crashes where someone is killed
or seriously injured are due to human error.


RMS Regular
Then you should be more observant.

If you want to get really pedantic and observe this dreamt up rule about 12 oclock


Actual entrance onto the roundabout and then exit at Moira are either side of 12/6 o'clock, so almost essentially straight, actually slightly less. We're not talking about the road either side, but actual entry and exit points which is what matters.
For those who seem think the right lane is the only correct lane to use here...

Take a typical week day around 1700-1800hrs. Where would you think it appropriate to change lane to get to the Moira exit from the right lane ?

almost essentially straight?

you did some work to make that look straight there stevie lol


PS @ eigtheen hundred hours?

id just drive over the roundabout in my tank, ol'chap.



RMS Regular
Disney Land
this is getting interesting - @RallyCiaran is winning this discussion.

All I know is if I was in my lorry, I'd straddle lanes where necessary, and as a motorist, I give lorries wider berths on roundabouts, or on tighter turns where there will be a tail swing.

Common sense prevails!!!

Given their numerous blind spots and restricted viewing in mirrors with the overhang of a trailer yous be keen to try n race on


RMS Regular
Personally I assume a lorry is going to straddle a lane if on a roundabout, turning etc and give it a bit more room. I've never driven one but they can't be the easiest thing to manoeuvre on the roads. I think it's stupid not to as unless you happen to be commuting to work in a tank there is only ever going to be one winner.

OK back to topic please.

Also this!


Studying for my BS in Internetology.
We were instructed to straddle lanes during the trailer test.

See that's the sort of little gem of info that should be taught to car learners. Genuinely didn't know that trailers &/or lorries were taught to straddle lines, but if I had, I dare say it would have affected my understanding of larger vehicles and most probably had an impact on how I drove in their presence. Until now I'd always just assumed they were drunk or had found their licence in their corn flakes so I gave them an extra wide berth lol.


See that's the sort of little gem of info that should be taught to car learners. Genuinely didn't know that trailers &/or lorries were taught to straddle lines, but if I had, I dare say it would have affected my understanding of larger vehicles and most probably had an impact on how I drove in their presence. Until now I'd always just assumed they were drunk or had found their licence in their corn flakes so I gave them an extra wide berth lol.

Yeah you need the extra space to allow for the width of the trailer to make a turn and to prevent people cutting up the inside as they'll probably end up getting squashed to the kerb. You wouldn't believe the amount of people that do this. Unfortunately, like cycling, if you don't drive/cycle defensively using a little common sense it makes you look like an ignorant cnut that's hogging all the lanes, when in fact all you're really doing is trying to keep you and others around you safe.

Unfortunately car learners don't get half the training they need and this ignorance is carried throughout their driving lives. We should all be made to understand the road from other users perspective particularly from a bus, lorry & cyclists view.

Big Pimp

RMS Trader
like im late
@Coog - which is why i am so cautious around cyclists and hgv drivers.

I think everyone should cycle a few miles on the open road to see how nuts some drivers are, and similarly, be taught about lorries straddling lanes etc. when I was doing my lorry test, I was taught to split lanes before tight turns, roundabouts etc.


RMS Regular
Co Armagh
Model Y / M3
noticed this on the way down M1 near Lurgan, Fella was still driving on hard shoulder with the stub of the axle digging into the tarmac, he still had 4 mile or so to go to moira exit



He got within touching distance of the Moira turnoff before the cops pulled him too!!

I passed him also!


RMS Regular
Old Ford
Except on the diagram I used, used ACTUAL entry and exit points, you've chosen grass areas, not quite the same thing, as everyone should agree we dont generally drive over the grass.

What is in print is using APPROPRIATE lanes, of which either lane is in this case, and in many many cases the left lane is far more appropriate given traffic flow and movements around the roundabout

As for the lorry, I've driven the roundabout thousands of times, that is the first lorry ever to exhibit such terrible driving around it. I've never seen one need to straddle and cross into the other lane.
For anyone who thinks a lorry should straddle both lanes there, they must be crazy...next you'll be saying a lorry should straddle motorway lanes which are 2ft narrower than the lanes on the Moira roundabout ? After all, there is less room on a motorway lane ?

And I stated 1800hrs as people seem to struggle with the plain english used in the highway code and understanding it...so needed to be specific about times.
And so far, nobody has answered the simple question, where would you deem it safe and appropriate to change lanes from right to left around that time of day if you decide to enter the roundabout from the right lane ?

It is getting silly, but it's quite funny. It's rare to see such correct understanding as you have displayed.

This link is to more official clarity for you, which actually used the o'clock nomenclature:

And fair enough there is mention there about the clock, even if it isnt in the normal highway code but again that roundabout has no markings, and is of very different design being perfectly round.
You cannot compare it. Again, follow the road markings where appropriate.


RMS Regular
Supra TT6
I was gonna edit my first post I wrote but gonna stick a new post in instead, @stevieturbo I watch the video back and realized you took the exit for Moira, I originally thought you went on around to exit west bound so I got my observations wrong there lol sorry, you where in the corect lane for your destination :grinning:

Although still shouldnt go up the side of the lorry :p


RMS Regular
Old Ford
I was gonna edit my first post I wrote but gonna stick a new post in instead, @stevieturbo I watch the video back and realized you took the exit for Moira, I originally thought you went on around to exit west bound so I got my observations wrong there lol sorry, you where in the corect lane for your destination :grinning:

Although still shouldnt go up the side of the lorry :p

Thank you...now try telling the rest of them that LOL

The baffling part is that so many think the left lane is wrong, and only the right is correct. Reality is both lanes are fine, but in many cases the left is the most appropriate, especially when traffic is busy.

And still on roundabouts and back on topic....well almost. This guy is driving around something.



RMS Regular
Supra TT6
The round about is big enough for the lorry to stay in the right lane and follow it all the way around, if it's a smaller roundabout the lorry is aloud to straddle the lanes for obvious reasons so no dumb person ventures up the suicide side of a lorry

I teach all my pupils about cyclis and lorrys and every other dangerous thing out there on the roads, one other thing some people need to remember just cause a learner car decides to do a crazy thing don't automatically assume the instructor told them to do that, many an occasion I said " go slightly to the right " (to avoid a kerb) and before I've finished my sentance I'm heading for not only the right lane but the wrong side of the road, so bare in mind the instructor is actually teaching them at the time of the crazy dangerous manouver that everyone does when learning to drive so give us instructors a bit of credit ( although I have seen a lot of dodgy ones and they never stay in the job )

That's why I said I can't wait to get my cameras as my videos will show you what it's like to get the **** scared out of you by so called ( amazing drivers ) , they assume cause we have L plates on we must be going slow and they will overtake and near cause a head on collision just to get past even though we doing the proper speed, two lanes into one and about 10 cars overtake and try to squeeze in even though there is no room

Then you get the rude signs cause you were driving properly

I wish I had a camera the day some upity cyclist decide to tell me the Highway Code and that I'm not doing my job right, basically the learner on the Lisburn road was stopping at the pointless green bike bit at the traffic lights and at the last minute released the brake and rolled in, so while I'm explaining that you don't sit in there the cyclist proceeds to knock my window and start telling me off I responded with "do you think I'm playing tidily winks in here ya ballbag" he then cycled beside us in the slow moving traffic quoting the Highway Code,

That's the kinda videos I'll be sticking up haha

Sorry for the long rant I went off on one there

Ps I love cycling , I have a class 1 license and am a grade 5 ADI so I see things from all angles, except for not seeing Stevie's video till the end haha :grinning:
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RMS Regular
I see Mexicans like that micra on a daily basis
Saw one turn right on the busiest roundabout in Derry once lol